Ocio, entretenimiento y humor

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1 meneos
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Be a Responsible Traveller

Jakarta is a sprawling and crowded city home to approximately 12 million people, which puts it in the category of “Mega-City.” Sadly, the size of the city is taking a toll on the health and well-being of its inhabitants. | www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/networking/go-and-trave
1 0 9 K -110
1 0 9 K -110
1 meneos
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Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours Singapore: Jakarta Weather

Jakarta, the capital and largest city of Indonesia, has a hot and humid tropical wet and dry climate. Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is located at the northwest end of Java Island faces north onto Jakarta Bay and the Java Sea. Being the regional center for business and culture and is also the jumping off point for reaching the Thousand Islands (Kepulauan Seribu) National Park, Jakarta has been booming on its tourism.
1 0 10 K -108
1 0 10 K -108
7 meneos
368 clics

Viajando se entiende la gente: 14 consejos para evitar malentendidos

Algunas palabras producen equívocos, risas o enfados en otros países. A veces es nuestro acento, una separación equívoca de sílabas o significados que cambian en otras lenguas. Es mejor estar prevenidos para evitar ceños fruncidos y ganarse adeptos mientras viajamos. Para que os hagáis una idea: la frase “Fran Perea” desata la locura total en Serbia, en Tailandia no irían nunca a un IKEA con desconocidos, el “Gran puta” es muy venerado en China y en Japón es mejor no invitar a nadie al cine.
1 meneos
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Dangerous Form of Shock Therapy, Indonesia’s Railway Therapy

Indonesian officials are rushing to come with a solution to the newest hazardous trend in Jakarta: people who wander the city's railway tracks looking for free "electric therapy." Some say it’s a scam but people all over the country seems to embrace the therapy.
1 0 7 K -64
1 0 7 K -64
1 meneos
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Avoiding Jetlag

Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours, Singapore wants your vacation more enjoyable and free of hassle, here are some advice on how to avoid having a jetlag. • Hydrate. You can quickly be dehydrated in the airplane cabins since they are dry and pressurized, this will make you feel really sleepy, what you should do is drink lots of water during the trip since it can help you ease the process. This doesn’t necessarily stop the jetlag, but it will aid the dehydration so it won’t add to your fatigue.
1 0 0 K 6
1 0 0 K 6
2 meneos
13 clics

Crazy Festivals In The World

Harbin Ice Festival, Harbin, China. This festival happens during January. The residents of Harbin resist the bitter Siberian winter by building a city made exclusively of ice instead of staying in front of the fire indoors. Laser technology and traditional sculpting techniques are used to build the chilly metropolis, which then melts into the history books with the arrival of spring.
1 1 7 K -84
1 1 7 K -84
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Gay Destinations Outside SE Asia

Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours, Singapore sure know how to define fun. SE Asian cities such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia, Singapore and many more are not the only cities our gay friends can enjoy travelling.
1 0 6 K -65
1 0 6 K -65
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Kelly Speca

Kelly Speca Provides online coverage of news, business news, sport, what's on, forums and more.Kelly's Facebook page brings you the very latests news.
1 0 12 K -135
1 0 12 K -135
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Fotografías del concurso internacional National Geographic Traveler 2014  

Serie de 28 fotografías cedidas a The Atlantic que forman parte de la 26ª edición anual del National Geographic Traveler —el concurso sigue abierto hasta el 30 de junio—, reunidas en cuatro categorías: retratos viajeros, escenas al aire libre, percepción de lugar y momentos espontáneos.
1 0 0 K 9
1 0 0 K 9
3 meneos
81 clics

Siete planazos Europeos para este verano

No, no toda Europa se viene a las costas españolas a ponerse más roja que el sobaco de una langosta. Por el viejo continente también se lo saben pasar bien sin necesidad de pisar las playas y con mucha, mucha originalidad. Estas son solo siete sugerencias para los más curiosos que buscan vivir una experiencia única lejos del circuito habitual de juergas y festivales World Reknowned.
2 1 5 K -45
2 1 5 K -45
3 meneos
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Hipster que viajó en el tiempo  

En este video contamos la historia de una extraña fotografía, que parecería probar la idea de los viajes en el tiempo.
2 1 14 K -141
2 1 14 K -141
21 meneos
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Estos hombres probaron maquillaje por primera vez [Fotos y vídeo]  

Le pedimos a un maquillador profesional que maquillara la mitad del rostro de un hombre asemejándolo al de una mujer.
1 meneos
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Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours, Singapore: Great budget locations

Portugal One of the best choices for a backpacker in Europe, Portugal is in every aspect charming and captivating like the more glamorous and expensive Spain and Italy. Each and every good thing in Portugal is free. Many of the finest tourist attractions in Porto are free of charge and Lisbon has a remarkable diversity of hostels for a budget traveler. Moreover, for the most part of what Portugal’s feature is concealed in simple sight.
1 0 5 K -35
1 0 5 K -35
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Westhill Consulting Tours Review: Jakarta Street Food

Jakarta Street Food is a piece of the overall Java / Javanese cuisine, a chief ethnic group in Indonesia. It is well-known for dishes that are sweet, along with being simple. Java / Javanese cuisine can be separated into three main groups, Central Javanese, East Javanese and Common Javanese, all of which are extensively accessible in Jakarta. More and more food reviews are appreciating Jakarta’s cuisine.
1 0 6 K -70
1 0 6 K -70
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Things to See and Do in Mount Bromo

Hike Mount Bromo - With its iconic distorted top and smoldering smoke, Mount Bromo is the focus of the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. Visit at sunrise to observe of spectacular views of the Sea of Sand and the nearby misty peaks.
1 0 9 K -128
1 0 9 K -128
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36 clics

4 tips para tener más impacto en Tinder

4 reglas para conocer gente mientras viajas usando Tinder.
1 0 10 K -151
1 0 10 K -151
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7 clics

Top Things to Do In Christchurch

Punting on Avon River Delight yourself to the sophisticated luxury of the English Oxbridge, where cotton-shirted, straw-hat-wearing punters glide passengers across the majestic gardens of the riverbanks. This is indisputably the best way to experience the green strands and unequalled parkland attractiveness of downtown Christchurch, where a blooming kaleidoscope of colors bursts in the spring, the dropping branches of the regal weeping willows hang into the water, and the attractive stone bridges of the Avon above.
1 0 17 K -191
1 0 17 K -191
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84 clics

9 Cosas Que No Se Hacer Cuando Viajo

Hasta el más fantástico de los viajeros tiene manías o errores que comete una y otra vez en cada viaje. Nadie es perfecto y en este caso muestro 9 cosas que no soy capaz de hacer cuando viajo y que me gustaría mejorar pero que termino repitiendo en cada uno de los viajes. Y vosotros, ¿Cometéis algunos de estos errores?
1 0 10 K -117
1 0 10 K -117
2 meneos
16 clics

¿Por qué necesitamos viajar?

Todo el mundo necesita evadirse de la rutina y darse una escapa y ¿porque no en avión?
2 0 7 K -79
2 0 7 K -79
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Best Bite on the Best Beaches

Asia is the best place to go if you are into islands and beaches. With its strategic location surrounded by main waters, oceans and seas, Asia is home to thousands of beaches. Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours in Jakarta has gathered some of the best beaches in Asia which is worth a review and a visit sooner and later.
1 0 6 K -56
1 0 6 K -56
15 meneos
351 clics
Este envío tiene varios votos negativos. Asegúrate antes de menear

Barcelona, la 'peor ciudad del mundo', según Richard Ayoade  

La televisión británica vuelve a asomarse a España. En el reciente estreno de 'Travel Man 48 Hours', Channel 4 recorre durante dos días Barcelona. En el espacio de viajes, presentado por Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd, Submarine), el actor, cómico, guionista y realizador descubre al público inglés todo sobre la ciudad catalana. Ayoade, que ya avanza a la audiencia que no disfruta mucho haciendo turismo, tiene como acompañante en este episodio a la actriz Kathy Burke, que sí se muestra entusiasmada a lo largo de la emisión.
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Jardin botánico marimutra de Blanes  

Jardin botánico marimutra de Blanes, Costa Brava
1 0 9 K -113
1 0 9 K -113
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36 horas en Bilbao [ENG]  

Beyond Bilbao’s Guggenheim museum, there’s much to explore, from Michelin-star restaurants and medieval streets, to a bar run by a world-class mixologist.
1 1 8 K -98
1 1 8 K -98
20 meneos
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La Push, la playa de los últimos Hombres Lobo de América

shock que te produce esta rareza de la naturaleza lo primero que haces es preguntarte ¿de dónde han salido todos esos troncos?
18 2 0 K 47
18 2 0 K 47
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Funny, Weird and Interesting

Indonesia is home to the most exotic and unexpected things. With 17,800 islands which can give you a variety of things to do, explore and experience, you will not run out of things which can be pretty surprising. Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours has these following spoilers: 1. Flora and Fauna Being rich in natural resources, Indonesia has proved to be a natural habitat once again when in 2010, 200 new species of animals. Some of the most famous animals to be reviewed most of the time are:
1 0 6 K -72
1 0 6 K -72
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