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Trudeau’s new ‘feminist’ plan commits 95% of foreign aid to gender, women and girls by 2022

Aid groups, which have focused on women and girls for years, welcomed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s unapologetically feminist foreign aid policy Friday, though the plan does not increase funding.

3 min read

A Sudanese girl watches a children’s puppet show in the Abu Shouq camp in Darfur in an Oct. 16, 2007, file photo. Fifty per cent of Canada’s development budget will go to sub-Saharan Africa, according to the new plan.

By helping women, we’ll be helping everyone.

This is the bold new vision for Canada’s foreign aid, which is being recast as unapologetically feminist by laying out a path to eradicate poverty that focuses on helping women in the world’s poorest countries.

Marco Chown Oved

Marco Chown Oved is a Toronto-based climate change reporter for the Star. Reach him via email:

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