Wubuntu - Linux with Windows appearance, without any hardware restrictions.

Wubuntu is an operating system based on Ubuntu LTS that has a similar appearance to Windows using the open-source themes. Wubuntu also comes with a set of advanced tools called PowerTools that allows you to use features such as Control Panel and Windows-style network and general settings, Android emulation interface with video acceleration, synchronization with OneDrive, improved Wine compatibility for applications .exe and .msi and is fully compatible with any hardware. It does not require TPM, Secure Boot, POPCNT or any other absurd requirements. Wubuntu is already shipped with Copilot, Edge, Teams, PowerShell, Skype and much more!
Compatible with Windows applications
Run your favorite .exe and .msi applications with the improved Wine compatibility layer.
Microsoft ecosystem
Enjoy embedded apps like Microsoft Edge, Teams, Skype, PowerShell, Code and more.
Safe and very fast
Wubuntu is fast and secure, very secure. No more worries about viruses and crashes.

Windows Ubuntu 11 Plasma

All the ease of Microsoft Windows 11 with the power, speed and security of Linux. Take advantage of all the learning curve you already have and just worry about producing.
KDE Plasma Technology
Wubuntu Plasma utilizes the KDE window manager, a modern, highly customizable, feature-packed desktop.
You don't need a powerful computer. Devices with dual core processors and 2GB of ram are already able to work.

Windows Ubuntu 11 Cinnamon

Fast, stable and very secure. For users who like Microsoft Windows 10. This version is also intended for low-powered devices or modest hardware.
Cinnamon Desktop
Desktop Cinnamon is fast, very fast. Aimed at users who want performance, stability and security first.
You don't need a powerful computer. Devices with one core processors and 1GB of ram are already able to work.

PowerTools Control Tools

PowerToys is a powerful toolset that implements a software layer based on Microsoft Windows applications. Tools like Control Panel, Network Settings, One Drive, Android Support and many others are available through PowerToys

Embedded Technologies

Technologies used for the development of Windows Ubuntu

Get support when you need it!

You have access to extensive documentation from the Ubuntu, Cinnamon, KDE and Wubuntu community.