Tecnología, Internet y juegos

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2 meneos
5 clics

How Do You Choose Mobile Phone Cases

Once we buy mobile phones nowadays, we immediately invest into different accessories which can fully personalize our phones and be known as ours. Every accessory should suit our taste; our application should shadow our habits and the overall appearance should mirror our personality. Finding the most suitable ones sometimes drive us into customization. The same goes for phone cases.
2 0 11 K -117
2 0 11 K -117
1 meneos
1 clics

The Growing Gray Market for Mobile Accessories

Smart phones are like cars nowadays. The first priority is to flaunt them to our friends. Having a bare mobile phone is not enough to impress. That is why it is important to put add-ons and enhance its feature. With thousands of varieties of mobile accessories, as normal human being living in the current state of the modern world, we can’t get contented with just one.
1 0 10 K -121
1 0 10 K -121
1 meneos
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Is Homeopathy Just Water?

Food and Drug Administration had just recently reviewed the regulations regarding the practice of homeopathy in the United States. With the changing phase of the world, there are numerous questions as to whether homeopathy managed to remain the same. FDA once reasoned out that they were not able to strengthen the principles and implement proper security protocol on homeopathic medicines because of pressure from the public. With the same pressure, homeopathy is currently being scrutinized and questioned.
1 0 13 K -144
1 0 13 K -144
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5 clics

Future of Home Designs

According to Future Technology 500, the future of home designs will be backed up by modernity and the environment. Since people are slowly realizing the harm being done to Mother Nature with pollution and urbanization, present renovations include eco-friendly designs to repress environmental warnings. Underground earth shelters will soon become a trend. In the United States alone, 6,000 modern homes are now built underground equipped with advanced energy-conservation and generation features such as solar panels, smart windows and smart home tec
1 0 13 K -153
1 0 13 K -153
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Review of 2015’s Use of Mobile Accessories

Market analysis on mobile accessories has been conducted for years when the industry has greatly grew and developed along with the encompassing influence of mobile technology. On the year 2015, the market for mobile accessories just continued to grow and is expected to continue growing as modernization becomes advanced and human nature gradually depends on mobile phones.
1 0 8 K -98
1 0 8 K -98
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2 clics

What is Your Brand Strategy This 2016?

Since New Year has come among us, we are now wondering what the trends would be or what new things would be innovated to feed the unending cravings of mankind. With the production of things which were only thought possible in imaginations, expectations are also rising from end consumers who will benefit from all of the wonders created by the intellectual thoughts of the geniuses in respective different field of industries.
1 1 15 K -194
1 1 15 K -194
2 meneos
26 clics

Emojis más grandes en WhatsApp V. 2.16.256

WhatsApp no tiene stickers como Line, pero en la nueva versión de WhatsApp 2.16.256 Beta acaba de llegar con emojis a diferentes tamaños. Eso sí, por ahora esta mejora solo se encuentra en la última versión Beta de WhatsApp, la versión 2.16.256. Al menos son algo más grandes de lo que ya eran para poder recalcar su importancia en una conversación.
1 1 6 K -42
1 1 6 K -42
3 meneos
48 clics

UX vs Design Thinking: ¿Qué significan y en qué se diferencian?

Últimamente se escucha mucho hablar sobre “Design Thinking” como una “cosa” que esta de tendencia, pero cada vez que leemos sobre el tema, suena exactamente igual a lo que hacemos en UX. En este post reflexionamos sobre qué tienen en común y en qué se diferencian.
2 1 6 K -63
2 1 6 K -63
1 meneos
18 clics

Software libre y Open Source: riesgos y oportunidades bajo control con FOSSID

La solución más avanzada en identificación de código abierto del mercado. Es prácticamente imposible encontrar un proyecto tecnológico de mediana o gran envergadura: telefonía móvil, redes, internet de las cosas, etc que no incorpore partes o se fundamente de forma esencial en software libre o de fuentes abiertas. ¿Sabes realmente qué es el open source?
1 0 11 K -140
1 0 11 K -140
5 meneos
33 clics

España, a la cabeza europea en consumo de eSports

El consumo de eSports, acrecentado por la búsqueda de alternativas de ocio desde el domicilio durante el confinamiento provocado por la pandemia, toma la delantera en España, el país europeo en el que más consumidores pagan por ver contenidos de esta temática. En el continente europeo, por detrás de Asia y Norteamérica en cuanto al seguimiento de competiciones electrónicas, España se sitúa a la cabeza.
10 meneos
91 clics

Apple presenta el "Modo Aislamiento" para proteger a sus usuarios del spyware mercenario tipo Pegasus

Apple dice mostrar un adelanto de una innovadora prestación de seguridad que ofrece protección adicional especializada para usuarios que pueden correr el riesgo de sufrir ciberataques altamente personalizados por parte de empresas privadas que desarrollan spyware mercenario con respaldo estatal. Apple también ofrece más información sobre su beca de 10 millones de dólares para reforzar la investigación que arrojen luz sobre estas amenazas
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