English News

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When the US Invaded Russia

The U.S. invasion Khrushchev referred to took place a century ago, after the October Revolution and during the civil war that followed between Bolshevik and anti-Bolshevik forces, the Red Army against White Russians. While the Germans and Austrians were occupying parts of Western and Southern Russia, the Allies launched their own armed interventions in the Russian North and the Far East in 1918.
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La CIA y USA sabe que fué una empresa china la que hackeó a Hillary Clinton

A pesar de que USA conoce perfectamente que fueron los chinos los que espiaron a Hillary Clinton, ningún medio occidental se ha hecho eco y solo el medio prorruso lo divulga en español. A continuación el mismo informe en el original americano que no ha tenido difusión por no traducir. www.meneame.net/m/Inglés/china-hacked-hillary-clinton-s-private-email
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U.S. Economy Grew at Unrevised 4.2% Pace in Second Quarter

The U.S. economy grew in the second quarter at an unrevised 4.2 percent pace, the fastest since late 2014, indicating a solid foundation for this quarter, Commerce Department data showed Thursday.
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‘It’s the Economy, Stupid’: What Really Drives US Sanctions Against Russia

Forget about Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, and the Skripal poisoning. The US uses pressure to eliminate competitors and do away with any hope for fair competition.
