Noticias en Ingles
1 meneos

Did Turkey Just Invade Iraq To Protect Erdogan ISIS Oil Smuggling Routes?

It has been confirmed to us that Turkish troops numbering around one regiment armoured with tanks and artillery entered the Iraqi territory, and specifically the province of Nineveh claim that they are training Iraqi groups without the request or authorization from the Iraqi federal authorities and this is considered a serious breach of Iraqi sovereignty and does not conform with the good neighbourly relations between Iraq and Turkey.
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Mount Etna blasts lava and ash high into sky

Mount Etna, the volcano on the Italian island of Sicily, has erupted in spectacular fashion.
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Free HTTPS certs for all – Let's Encrypt opens doors to world+dog

The Let's Encrypt project has opened to the public, allowing anyone to obtain free TLS certificates and set up HTTPS websites in a few simple steps.
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Four Reasons the Facebook Fortune Is Going Into an LLC

A for-profit charity is highly unusual, but it comes with big advantages." data-ephemeral="true
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EU presses Greece over migrants, weighs Schengen threat

Greece hit back on Wednesday at threats from some EU states to suspend it from the Schengen zone of open border travel because of its failure to control large numbers of migrants entering Europe.
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Young people who question Government or media may be extremists, officials tell parents

Child protection officials been criticised after warning parents that young people who take issue with government policy or question what they are told in the media may have been radicalised by extremists. A leaflet drawn up by an inner-city child safeguarding board warns that “appearing angry about government policies, especially foreign policies” is a sign “specific to radicalisation”.
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Man held at Guantánamo for 13 years a case of mistaken identity

Mustafa al-Aziz al-Shamiri was low-level Islamist foot soldier, not al-Qaida courier and trainer as had been believed
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Greece’s taxpayers must declare all assets like cash ‘under mattresses’ & jewelry

Cash ‘under the mattress’ totaling more than 15,000 euro, jewelry and other valuable items such as diamonds and gemstones, should be declared to electronic system of tax authorities, Taxisnet, as of 1. January 2016.
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Sweden: 'No Apartments, No Jobs, No Shopping Without a Gun'

The Swedes see the welfare systems failing them. Swedes have had to get used to the government prioritizing refugees and migrants above native Swedes. "There are no apartments, no jobs, we don't dare go shopping anymore [without a gun], but we're
1 meneos

The Serial Swatter

For months, someone going by the name ‘‘Obnoxious’’ had been harassing her online. He had called her cellphone repeatedly and sent her threatening texts. Worst of all, he had threatened to ‘‘swat’’ her at school — to make a false emergency call to the police and lure a SWAT team to her door.
1 meneos

Rich People Exercise, Poor People Take Diet Pills

One reason the underprivileged face an obesity crisis is that they rely on ineffective weight-loss strategies. In part, this is because economic uncertainty makes it harder to plan for workouts and healthy meals.
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Top Kurdish lawyer shot dead in southeast Turkey

A prominent Kurdish lawyer and rights activist was shot in the head and killed in a street shootout in Turkey's troubled southeast on Saturday, much of the event captured on camera and broadcast around the world.
1 meneos

Paris Attacks Plot Was Hatched in Plain Sight

The terrorists’ operation hinged on their ability to use the tools of everyday modern life to lay out the groundwork for the massacre in the French capital.
4 meneos
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So Swede of you ... Aida at 27 is Muslim minister

STOCKHOLM: A 27-year-old Bosnian Muslim immigrant has been named as the new Swedish minister of education, setting a role model for young, active Muslims.
2 meneos
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NYSE Is Delisting National Bank of Greece After 91% Plunge

The New York Stock Exchange is delisting American depositary receipts of National Bank of Greece SA after they lost 91 percent of their value this year." data-ephemeral="true
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Greek students sell sex for food

Six years of crippling financial austerity have forced local women back into a prostitution where they now offer some of the lowest prices on the Continent
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Belgian Physicists Calculate that Everyone Is Lying About the Downed Russian Jet

You’re free to decide what political conclusions you arrive at with this information. The authors don’t mention the whole political situation, they just focus trying to distill facts out of the observable information: a rare and admirable thing in a time in which almost everything comes with some political spin.
1 meneos

Chief Of Russian Air Force Accuses Turkey Of Coordinated Ambush On Downed Jet

Leading news site for global finance, economics, market, and political analysis.
1 meneos

U.S. working to keep up with surging weapons demand

The U.S. government is working hard to ensure quicker processing of U.S. foreign arms sales, which surged 36 percent to $46.6 billion in fiscal 2015 and look set to remain strong in coming years, a top Pentagon official said.
1 meneos

Rescued Su-24 Co-Pilot Rules Out Turkish Space Violation 'Even for Second'

Rescued co-pilot from the downed Russian Su-24 jet said there were no visual or radio warnings issued by Turkey.
1 meneos

Turkey shoots down warplane near Syria border

The Russian Defense Ministry said the downed plane was a Russian Su-24 and that it was within Syrian airspace. It said the aircraft was flying at an altitude of 6,000 meters and that it was apparently gunned down from the ground, the Sputnik news agency reported.
1 meneos

Attackers planned multiple explosions in German stadium

A group of several attackers planned to set off multiple explosives in Hanover soccer stadium at Tuesday night's friendly match between Germany and the Netherlands, which was called off, daily Bild reported on Thursday.
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Ben Carson: ‘I hope that we have a database on everybody’

"I think we should have a database on everybody who comes into this country,"
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Brussels on lockdown over threat of 'imminent' Isis attack - live

Latest updates on the Paris attacks and their aftermath as alleged ‘scout’ is held in Turkey, Brussels goes on highest alert and security council votes for united front against Isis
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Undercover Cop Dressed In All Black Shot While Placing GPS Tracker On Car

An undercover police officer in Arlington, Texas was shot while attempting to place a GPS tracker on a person's vehicle, and the man who shot him may not even be charged.
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Dutch government floats "mini-Schengen" idea to EU partners

The idea of carving out a "mini-Schengen" within the Schengen area would seem to violate the treaty guaranteeing free travel within 26 European countries.
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Russia says bomb did down Airbus A321 plane over Egypt last month

The Kremlin said for the first time on Tuesday that a bomb did bring down a Russian passenger plane that crashed over the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt on Oct. 31, killing all 224 people on board.
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Paris attacks: brother of Salah Abdeslam unaware of terror suspect's whereabouts

Latest updates as Paris manhunt continues and France hits back at Islamic State in Raqqa
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Walmart’s $10 Smartphone Has Better Specs Than the Original iPhone

This is what technological progress looks like.
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Paris attacks: Weapons found in 'getaway car'

Several Kalashnikovs are reportedly found in a car believed to have been used in the Paris attacks, as the French police investigation picks up pace.
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Holder of Syrian passport found in Paris passed through Greece

The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night's attacks in Paris passed though Greece in October, a Greek minister said.
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Greece strike disrupts transportation, services; large protests expected

Public services have shut down across Greece as workers hold the first general strike since the country's left-led government initially came to power in January.
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Syriza faces mass strike in Greece

Prime minister Alexis Tsipras under pressure as services including schools, hospitals, and banks are hit by 24-hour walkout
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Greece Comes to a Standstill as Unions Turn Against Tsipras

As Greek workers took to the streets in protest on Thursday, Alexis Tsipras was for the first time on the other side of the divide." data-ephemeral="true
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Internet firms to be banned from offering unbreakable encryption under new laws

Companies such as Apple, Google and others will no longer be able to offer
encryption so advanced that even they cannot decipher it when asked to under
the Investigatory Powers Bill
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'Aversion anxiety' halting Swedish refugee debates

Swedes are so obsessed with appearing decent and pro-immigration, that they're too afraid to discuss the complexities of the refugee crisis, argues a Norwegian critic living in Sweden who's causing a stir for his comments.
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Greece must recapitalize its banks by year end: EU's Dombrovskis

Greece and international lenders must recapitalize its banks by the end of the year and swiftly finalize an assessment of the country's bailout-mandated economic reforms, EU Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis said on Tuesday.
1 meneos

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.
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‘There is no money’: cash-strapped Cuba is forced to cut vital imports

Low commodity prices, drought and Venezuela’s economic crisis have led to a cash shortage for the country, which imports more than 60% of its food
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China Voice: U.S. provocations threaten to militarize South China Sea

China Voice: U.S. provocations threaten to militarize South China Sea---The United States' provocative attempts to infringe on China's South China Sea sovereignty are sabotaging regional peace and stability and militarizing the waters.
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Paris is looking to sell new ships to Russia  

Paris is looking to sell new ships to Russia, France's President Francois Hollande said during his visit to the Saint-Nazaire shipyard.
Sale Away

The president, however, neglected to mention whether Russia is actually eager to purchase such hardware from France.
1 meneos

Confusion in Syria over who will get US help

Pentagon says it will provide military aid to Kurdish and Arab rebels, but hasn't said which ones
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Angry Chinese investor stabs asset management firm CEO

An angry Chinese investor stabbed the chief executive of a troubled asset management company into which he had poured hundreds of thousands of yuan, reports said, highlighting tensions created by the country's financial turmoil.
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University of Cambridge Study Finds 87% of Android Devices Are Insecure

Study blames OEMs for a lack of updates; ranks Nexus devices as the most secure. It's easy to see that the Android ecosystem currently has a rather lax policy toward security, but a recent study from the University of Cambridge put some hard numbers to Android's security failings. The conclusion finds that "on average 87.7% of Android devices are exposed to at least one of 11 known critical vulnerabilities."
1 meneos

UberRUSH officially launches in three cities

For a little over a year, Uber has been operating its UberRUSH delivery service as a pilot program in New York City. Today it's making it an official part of the company, and expanding the courier...
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France's top weatherman sparks storm over book questioning climate change

Philippe Verdier, weather chief at France Télévisions, the country's state
broadcaster, reportedly sent on "forced holiday" for releasing
book accusing top climatologists of "taking the world hostage"
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The secret surveillance of ‘suspicious’ blacks in one of the nation’s poshest neighborhoods

The overwhelming majority of the people the app’s users cited were black. Was the chatroom reducing crime along the high-end retail strip? Was it making people feel safer? Or was it racial profiling?
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IDF to guard buses, surround Arab neighborhoods

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that Israel would use “all means” available to curb ongoing Palestinian terrorism and violence, and promised “to bring quiet back to the citizens of Israel.”
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Carter says US military will exercise its navigation rights in South China Sea

In a rebuff to China, US defence secretary Ash Carter said on Tuesday that the United States military would sail and fly wherever international law allowed, including the disputed South China Sea.
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US ammunition airdrop in Syria raises concerns amid reduced vetting of rebels

Move follows ‘pause’ of US training effort that vetted individual fightersas US says recipients of materiel are far from regime forces but near Isis
