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CNN: Misiles balísticos en Ucrania

Según la CNN los dos últimos días las autoridades de Kiev han lanzado varios misiles balísticos de corto alcance en la región oriental del país, donde los enfrentamientos con las fuerzas de seguridad milicias suponiendo según la cadena "una escalada significativa del conflicto".

| etiquetas: ucrania , cnn , misiles
11 2 10 K 24
11 2 10 K 24
  1. Esto acabara con un pepinazo nuclear, al tiempo......y Odin quiera que no arrastre a otros descerebrados a un intercambio a mayor escala.
  2. #3 Me molestan los enlaces con mentiras y falsedades y tu llevas ya unos cuantos.

    The United States and others say Russia has provided arms to rebels in eastern Ukraine, including heavy weapons such as a missile system like the one believed used to down the Malaysian airliner 12 days ago.

    Despite previous sanctions, the flow of weapons continues and on Tuesday the fighting appeared to have entered a dangerous new phase. There were reports that Ukraine's government in the past 48 hours used short-range ballistic missiles against the rebels, three U.S. officials told CNN.

    The weapons have a range of about 50 miles (80 kilometers) and pack up to 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) warheads. If the reports are accurate, they are the most deadly missiles used in the conflict to date.

    The U.S. officials did not specify where the missiles hit or what damage they caused.

    One U.S. official said there has been no reaction from Russia so far. A second official said it is not clear whether the United States will show satellite imagery of the Ukrainian missile firings "because these are the good guys."

    Another of the U.S. officials said using the missiles is "an escalation, but Ukraine has a right to defend itself."

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin acknowledged that his country's military has short-range missiles, but denied that the military fired any.
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