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Declaraciones de Clare Daly en el parlamento Europeo sobre la crisis humanitaria en Afghanistan

"Mientras tanto en Afganistán... decenas de miles en busca de refugio; cinco millones de niños enfrentando la hambruna; Los matrimonios infantiles aumentaron un 500%; niños vendidos para alimentar familias... Ni una mención al respecto. Dios mío, deben estar preguntándose qué hace que su crisis humanitaria sea tan poco importante."

| etiquetas: clare daly , afghanistan , crisis humanitaria
22 5 0 K 86
22 5 0 K 86
  1. Esta bien que le restrieguen por los morros la hipocresía a nuestros dirigentes
  2. ¿Y la crisis de Irlanda? Vamos a restrégarsela por los morros

    A European election candidate has defended offering to pay €5,000 bail for a man arrested on explosives charges in the run-up to the State visit of Prince Charles to the Irish Republic.

    Clare Daly said her interest in the case was purely on human rights grounds because she felt Donal O Coisdealbha was in custody too long without a trial.

    He later pleaded guilty to IRA membership and was jailed for five-and-a-half years.

    Ms Daly was speaking in the context of her disapproval of increased military spending by the EU. It was put to the independent Fingal TD that her strong opposition to EU defence activities didn't sit with her support of O Coisdealbha.

    "I wasn't saying don't investigate that person or give them a trial" she said. "In this case the person had been incarcerated for over a year and denied bail. Justice delayed is justice denied,
  3. #2 Cuando no se puede matar al mensaje, se mata al mensajero, no?
  4. Eres racista si te importó más la erupción de la Palma que cualquier erupcion con muertes en el Pacífico
  5. Demoledor. Hay muy buenos políticos en Irlanda sin pelos en la lengua.
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