Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 246, tiempo total: 0.013 segundos rss2
1 meneos

The Harver Group Management: Contact Center Amsterdam starts with the TalentPitch for the selection of employees

Amsterdam – The Contact Center Amsterdam, where the calls for information number 14020 from the City Council of Amsterdam come in, will use the TalentPitch, the application tool to recruit the right contact center employees.
1 0 8 K -108
1 0 8 K -108
1 meneos

The Harver Group Management: Contact Center Amsterdam

Amsterdam – The Contact Center Amsterdam, where the calls for information number 14020 from the City Council of Amsterdam come in, will use the TalentPitch, the application tool to recruit the right contact center employees.
1 0 14 K -186
1 0 14 K -186
1 meneos
3 clics

The Cathford Group Credit Inc.: 5 Tips when applying for a personal loan

We've all been there -- wanting to fund that overseas vacation since forever but can't seem to find the money for it. Here's where a personal loan comes in handy.
1 0 11 K -139
1 0 11 K -139
1 meneos
4 clics

Indonesiska molnbaserade bokforingsprogram Jurnal griper utsade finansiering: Cheyney Group Accounting Software

En indonesiska start kallas Jurnal, som är en moln-baserade bokföringsprogram för små till medelstora företag, meddelade idag att den fått utsäde finansiering för en hemlig summa från lokala riskkapitalbolag öst Ventures. Jurnal planer på att använda de nya medel att växa i laget och investera kraftigt i ytterligare produktutveckling.
1 0 18 K -170
1 0 18 K -170
1 meneos

The Koyal Group Private Training Services: Privatdetektiv (Faktablad)

Skydda allmänheten skall vara högsta prioritet för presidiet för säkerhet och undersökande tjänster utövar licensiering, föreskrivande och disciplinära funktioner. När skyddet av allmänheten är förenligt med andra intressen försökte främjas, skall skydd för allmänheten vara avgörande.
1 0 6 K -55
1 0 6 K -55
1 meneos
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

The Keeley Group: Tervetuloa Keeley Group

Tarjoamalla strateginen suunnittelu, projektin suunnittelu, liiketoiminnan suunnittelu ja johdon valmennus. Vuonna 1999 perustettu toteutamme projekteja yli 100 yritysten ja pienten yritysten, voittoa tavoittelematon säätiö ja hallituksen kanssa kaikkialla Yhdysvalloissa, Euroopassa ja Etelä-Amerikassa. Tuo kaksikymmentä plus vuotta kokemusta työskentelystä aatteellisen ja hallitusten päämiehet sosiaali-yrittäjien ja pienten yritysten omistajat, pyrimme mielekäs ja käytännöllisiä tuloksia.
1 0 0 K 6
1 0 0 K 6
1 meneos
2 clics

Trinity Energy Group: A Short Introduction to Petroleum Geology

Exploring for oil and gas takes a lot of money and know how to pull off as it requires first a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of petroleum Geology. Oil and gas are, after all, essential petroleum resources that are found deep within the earth’s crust, although there are cases where they may be found on the surface as well, but not in abundant commercial quantities.
1 0 8 K -116
1 0 8 K -116
1 meneos
1 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Trinity Energy Group Services - Company Resume

In the ever-changing energy markets with fluctuations of demand, prices and governmental regulations, quality of service remains at the forefront, in lieu of massive crews trying to dominate large areas. Trinity Energy Services has always positioned itself on the side of quality. Our main office is located near downtown Houston, Texas and our Louisiana office is located in Covington, Louisiana which has replaced New Orleans as the corporate center for oil and gas companies. Our roots extend back over thirty five years and our focus has been on
1 0 2 K -13
1 0 2 K -13
2 meneos
1 clics

Trinity Energy Group Services: Contact

Trinity Energy Services, LLC is a full service oil and gas industry land service firm. We offer complete professional land services to the energy and communication industries throughout the United States.
1 1 9 K -88
1 1 9 K -88
163 meneos
832 clics
Este envío tiene varios votos negativos. Asegúrate antes de menear

Sopra Group, condenada a readmitir a un trabajador despedido por negarse a hacer guardias

Seis meses después de los despidos de tres compañeros, se ha publicado la sentencia por la que Sopra será obligada a readmitir a un trabajador al que sancionó y despidió por negarse a hacer unas guardias que habían sido declaradas ilegales por otra sentencia anterior.
97 66 28 K 41
97 66 28 K 41
1 meneos
3 clics

Trinity Energy Group Limited Southern Sudan: Key Management Profiles

Mr. Akol Ayii – Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Akol is the founder of Trinity Holdings and Trinity Energy Limited. He has over ten years of senior management experience. His educational background is in finance and management (BA Accounting and Business Finance, European Business School, MBA, United States International University). He is the promoter of several large and strategic projects i
1 0 10 K -131
1 0 10 K -131
1 meneos
6 clics

Alfaone Group Dubai based corporation: Mission & Vision

To be a high-value partner for our customers providing them with innovative products, professional support and services while meeting our obligations to society and the environment.
1 0 21 K -225
1 0 21 K -225
1 meneos

Alfaone Group Dubai based corporation, Logistics & Supply Chain Management

The Logistics division operates with its head office in Dubai the global hub of Middle east
1 0 6 K -63
1 0 6 K -63
1 meneos
3 clics

Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan: Tips to Avoid Asset Protection Schemes and Scams

The Marvont Group provided several tips below on how to protect yourself from asset protection schemes and scams and how you could lose all your hard earned money if you fall for one.
1 0 7 K -93
1 0 7 K -93
1 meneos
3 clics

Understanding Foreign Bank Accounts and Offshore Banking of the Marvont Group

There is an increasing industry of offshore practitioners advising citizens of the United States to set up offshore bank accounts. They convince the U.S. individual to trust the firm secrecy laws of the jurisdiction and to not report ownership of the funds to the Internal Revenue Service. This pure and simple tax fraud gets several people into trouble. Bear in mind that the people of the United States are required to report any financial interest in any offshore account.
1 0 10 K -106
1 0 10 K -106
1 meneos
1 clics

Forbes Private Capital Group Hong Kong News Alert on $1B Hong Kong Fund Targets Midsize Oil Cos

Law360, New York (July 25, 2012, 1:22 PM ET) -- Hong Kong-based private equity fund Kerogen Capital Ltd. has closed a more than $1 billion fund to invest in midsize oil and gas producers, according to a statement Wednesday by Forbes Private Capital Group, which managed and advised on the fund.
1 0 9 K -110
1 0 9 K -110
1 meneos
3 clics

Reasons Why Your Life Insurance May be Declined

Life Insurance is already considered a necessity nowadays. But if you think everybody can just avail of it, you just might get surprised if you get declined. Before you file any complaints, there are actually various reasons why you fail in inquiring a life insurance. Axis Capital, with a group of insurance and reinsurance companies in Bermuda, Singapore, Australia, United Kingdom and the United States, has rounded up some of the main reasons why most insurance companies do not permit you to have a life insurance:
1 0 13 K -134
1 0 13 K -134
1 meneos
1 clics

Axis Capital Group Review: Challenges of Micro-insurance in Asia

Micro Insurance is of big importance in many developing and underdeveloped countries. It can be an important tool for sustaining economic growth as they are for the lives of the vulnerable communities. As it has been established for the protection of low-income people against specific perils in return for the regular premium rates, Asian and African countries are mostly benefitting from these micro insurance schemes and projects for years.
1 0 7 K -74
1 0 7 K -74
1 meneos
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The Peterson Group and Homeopathy: Understanding Its Essential Approach

Although it was discovered and introduced by a German doctor only within the last two centuries, homeopathy has attracted many practitioners and believers. Still, not many know what it really is and what benefits it offers to people with medical problems. Let us look at some of its essential characteristics and the specific advantages it offers to people in general.
1 0 8 K -82
1 0 8 K -82
926 meneos
3836 clics
El tren en Reino Unido funciona tan mal que las empresas privadas se hacen pasar por públicas para mejorar su reputación

El tren en Reino Unido funciona tan mal que las empresas privadas se hacen pasar por públicas para mejorar su reputación

La Advertising Standards Authority ha emitido esta semana una resolución en la que prohíbe a la operadora británica First Group publicitarse dando a entender que se trata de una empresa del Estado. "La privatización del ferrocarril es tan impopular que para las compañías es rentable dar a entender que son propiedad pública".
277 649 13 K 418
277 649 13 K 418
21 meneos
26 clics

Konkurrez Group: La fusión de Bayer y Monsanto violaría las leyes antimonopolio

Una firma especializa en fusiones, Konkurrez Group, ha advertido de riesgos significativos en la fusión de Bayer y Monsanto. La firma señala que esta operación infringiría la regulación antimonopolio en EEUU y en la Unión Europea. Además, apunta que restringiría 'seriamente' las opciones de elección de los agricultores y consumidores.
2 meneos
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The Asquith Group Asia, Tokyo Japan on Complete Financial Analysis

Our investments experts will collaborate with you to develop a complete evaluation to help determine your unique individual financial objectives. This will include your net worth, tax mitigation, educational financing, retirement and estate strategizing, and income and asset security. Likewise, we will analyze such issues as investment tax considerations, appropriate real estate titling steps, and our clients' capability to attain the retirement lifestyle they aspire for.
1 1 13 K -165
1 1 13 K -165
26 meneos
36 clics

Televisión Española regala de nuevo un concurso a Eurostar Media Group

Todoterrenos, coches eléctricos, premios en metálico… Este ha sido el reclamo del concurso “Tu mejor verano” que ha ocupado la parrilla central de TVE durante todo un mes de este verano. El objetivo de este tipo de concurso, que vuelve a poner en duda si cumple la Ley de financiación de la Televisión pública, es más que cuestionable. Si el Ente dirigido por José Antonio Sánchez no se rige por criterios de audiencia, ¿por qué se tienen que convocar estos concursos? ¿A quién beneficia? La respuesta parece clara: a quien lo organiza.
21 5 2 K 80
21 5 2 K 80
4 meneos
13 clics

Blue Origin y el Grupo OHB anuncian su intención de colaboración para ir a la Luna. (eng)

Las dos empresas serán socios en una futura misión "Blue Moon" a la superficie lunar, siendo capaces de transportar varias toneladas métricas de cargamento a la Luna. ( Relacionado: OHB Group: [eng]) / / )
18 meneos
29 clics

Empresario surcoreano condenado por violación recibe sentencia suspendida [ENG]

Ex presidente de DB Group, de 75 años, violó repetidamente a las dos mujeres. Admitió la mayoría de cargos. Sentencia de prisión de 30 meses suspendida por 4 años, por edad y lo que decía era el "perdón" de sus víctimas. Economía coreana es dominada por una serie de conglomerados controlados por familias, los chaebol. Tienen papel clave en el crecimiento económico pero se les acusa de conexiones turbias con el poder. Anteriormente, los líderes de Hyundai, Samsung y SK recibieron sentencias suspendidas y, posteriormente, indultos presidenciales.
