Actualidad y sociedad

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21 clics

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs  

Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little,
1 0 13 K -114
1 0 13 K -114
1 meneos
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The Peterson Group Review: Moving in Guide for Expatriates

The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominiums has its own membership organizations in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Hong Kong.The number of expatriates in the developing cities is increasing gradually every year. Cultural exchange, as it is called, has been happening from across the globe as continental boundaries have opened wide to admit other nationalities. There may even come a time when people are no longer caring on race, religion and color and natives are already fused with different bloods from different nations. S
1 0 9 K -84
1 0 9 K -84
1 meneos
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Choosing Art Work For Modern Homes

We rarely enter a home without an art piece in sight. Let’s face it: even the most self-proclaimed and the strictest minimalist has at least one art piece displayed in his home. Art items help us express the personality we want to exude. These displays support the outlook of the room and the theme we want to approach. Searching for the right item can be irritating, intimidating and challenging especially if you admittedly lack art streaks.
1 0 10 K -129
1 0 10 K -129
1 meneos
4 clics

The Peterson Group: The Future of CAM (Complementary, Alternative & Integrative Medicine)

The history of healing or medical practice is as long as the very existence of humans themselves. Well, almost. Many cultures speak of the pre-history of humans when they lived in Utopia or Paradise; and humans and their environment were initially perfect and conducive to perpetual living. But we are talking about history, pre-history.
1 0 7 K -75
1 0 7 K -75
1 meneos

The Petersen Group: Smart Design and Lifetime Homes

Everyone needs a home, not just simply a house. It is a place where you can escape the pressure of the outside world and find mental and emotional support from your family. Building your house into something you'll hold dear, and find comfort, love, and security is the first step in having your true home. With this goal in mind, a custom home would be the best answer to your special needs. A secondhand house is not bad, but why not make something according to your specifications and tastes from the ground up? Sounds exciting right?
1 0 6 K -49
1 0 6 K -49
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7 clics

The Lallgarh Palace Hotel, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India, Book best 4 Star Hotel in Bikaner online directly from our website

WELCOME TO THE LALLGARH PALACE HOTEL Built in 1896, this palatial hotel in an Indo-Saracenic-style sandstone building is 2.3 km from the Karni Mata Temple and 2.6 km from the Junagarh Fort. The elegant rooms feature marble floors, intricately carved wood furniture and ceiling fans, plus TVs, minibars and tea and coffeemakers. They also have sitting areas and safes. Upgraded rooms add living rooms and sofas.
1 0 20 K -170
1 0 20 K -170
1 meneos
5 clics

The Greatest Showman Full Movie Download Free HD Torrent 720p

The Greatest Showman is about American showman P. T. Barnum becomes the founder of the circus. The Greatest Showman Full Movie Download Free HD Watch The Greatest Showman Full Movie Free HD
1 0 8 K -62
1 0 8 K -62
9 meneos
214 clics

En subasta el Volkswagen Jetta de ‘The Fast and the Furious’ firmado por Paul Walker

El Volkswagen Jetta Mk3 1995 que apareció en la primera cinta de la serie “The Fast and The Furious” (2001) y que es todo un símbolo del tunning de autos de la décadas de 1990 y 2000, está de nuevo a la venta por medio de una subasta. El vehículo de color blanco que en la cinta manejó el actor Chad Lindberg en el papel de “Jessie” y que está autografiado por el finado Paul Walker, protagonista de la saga de autos de competencia ya fue vendido en 2016 por medio de una subasta organizada por la casa Barrett-Jackson y ahora ha salido de n
9 meneos
13 clics

China suma a The Washington Post y a The Guardian a los medios censurados en internet

Hasta este fin de semana, The Guardian y The Washington Post se podían leer en China. Pero ahora se sumaron a la lista de medios bloqueados, según un reporte del rastreador de censura Los funcionarios chinos han aumentado el nivel de censura dentro de las últimas semanas, antes de que se cumpla el 30º aniversario de la masacre de la plaza de Tiananmen, prohibiendo que ya se utilicen palabras e incluso que se usen imágenes relacionadas al hecho a través de WeChat, el popular servicio de mensajería de publicación móvil.
3 meneos
20 clics

Muere el músico Art Neville, miembro de The Meters y The Neville Brothers

El músico Art Neville, miembro y cofundador de los grupos The Meters y The Neville Brothers, murió este lunes a los 81 años, informó su representante Kent Sorrell a medios estadounidenses.
1 meneos
8 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Bad adventure for Matteo Salvini at the Ukrainian-Polish border(ing)

Quien no sepa ingles que use el translator. Bad adventure for Matteo Salvini at the Ukrainian-Polish border: the mayor of Przemys refused to go with him and showed the shirt worn by the leader of the League in the European Parliament a few years ago: "No respect for you"
1 0 1 K -3
1 0 1 K -3
31 meneos
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The Guardian y The Washington Post galardonados con el premio Pulitzer por sus artículos sobre la NSA [ENG]

The Guardian y The Washington Post han sido galardonados con el premio Pulitzer al Servicio Público por sus artículos sobre las actividades de vigilancia de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional basados en la información filtrada por Edward Snowden.
26 5 0 K 127
26 5 0 K 127
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Cruzada contra la pobreza de Barcelona lidera la carrera para ser el próximo alcalde de la ciudad de (ENG)

Polls have put Colau, and the Barcelona en Comú (Barcelona in Common) citizen platform she leads, in the top spot in the runup to Spain’s regional and municipal elections. A grassroots coalition of several political parties, including Podemos, and thousands of citizens and activists, Barcelona en Comú has become the brightest hope for the many in Spain pushing for democratic regeneration.
1 0 1 K 0
1 0 1 K 0
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1 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan: Terms and Conditions

A key understanding of the various regulations and governmental policies which will affect your business from its day to day compliance with taxation and financial reporting to the ever present need for accreditations in a range of different environments is of the upmost importance. The Marvont Group can be your trusted partner as you navigate what may be a never before encountered regulatory field.
1 0 5 K -59
1 0 5 K -59
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Challenges in Preparing Homeopathic Medicines

When the German physician, Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, first introduced homeopathy to the world, it was because he was appalled by medical practice in the late 1700s when physicians believe that bleeding, vomiting and purging noxious agents from the body can heal it and bring a patient back to health. Same treatment was conducted to the late president, George Washington who died two days after he underwent medication and lost an estimated 128 ounces of blood and received a number of injections and laxatives.
1 1 22 K -249
1 1 22 K -249
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Importance of Chromatography Methods against Counterfeiting

Currently, there are only six countries which have the proper tools and equipment and ensured high quality protective devices to know and detect counterfeit medicines from real ones. Needless to say, these countries are power houses in the field of medicine with advanced technology on their side. Of course, the United States is within the list as well as five European countries. With pharmaceutical counterfeiting becoming a serious issue in both developed and developing countries, procurement of these tools is of uttermost importance.
1 0 6 K -67
1 0 6 K -67
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Distinguishing Different Kinds of Cables and Connectors

Wireless world is the dream of the future. There will come a time when we can finally go on our daily activities without being wasting time dismantling tangled wires and connectors. Everything will soon be digitally connected. In the meantime, while we are not into that phase of technology yet, we can only hold our complaints in and lengthen our patience in handling the bowl of spaghetti behind and around our personal computers and laptops. Perhaps, acquainting ourselves with their names and functions can help.
1 1 8 K -68
1 1 8 K -68
12 meneos
139 clics

Al filtrador de The Revenant no le van a dar un Oscar: le podrían caer 3 años de cárcel  

El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos ha anunciado que Kyle Moriarty ha firmado un acuerdo de culpabilidad en el que admite haber cogido sin autorización los screeners de las películas The Revenant y The Peanuts Movie en el trabajo, y que se los llevó a casa en una llave USB. Una vez en su casa de Lancaster, California, bajo el seudónimo "clutchit" filtró las películas el 17 y 19 de diciembre utilizando la página Pass the Popcorn Site, a través de la cual empezó a difundirse en redes P2P.
10 2 0 K 122
10 2 0 K 122
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6 clics

Building your Dream Home into Reality

Hiring The Petersen Group as your custom home builder will give you significant benefits in the long run. The company is renowned as one of the most trustworthy builders in Alaska and its neighboring areas. Its previous projects of exceptional quality houses and communities show its ability to build a customer's dream home into reality and satisfy their every need.
1 0 16 K -217
1 0 16 K -217
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¿'And the andará' la indignación?

Mota se preguntaba 'and the andarán' los políticos desaparecidos. Pero hay más cosas en este país que yo no sé 'and the andarán'. Por ejemplo, ¿'and the andará' la indignación? A lo mejor también ha desaparecido. Ves los informativos y parece que ya nadie protesta. ¿Ya no hay problemas? ¿Ya no hay crisis? ¿Ya no hay desahucios? ¿Ya no hay recortes? A ver si volvemos a estar en la Champions League de la economía y no me he enterado.
1 1 0 K 20
1 1 0 K 20
10 meneos
30 clics
9 1 1 K 106
9 1 1 K 106
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82 clics

Muere Richard Swift (The Shins, The Arcs...) a los 41 años

Richard Swift había sido hospitalizado este mes y se había lanzado un crowdfunding para poder pagar el tratamiento, ya que no tenía seguro médico y no podía asumir el coste. Swift era algo parecido a un rey midas del indie estadounidense. Muchos le pusimos cara cuando se unió a The Shins en 2011, pero antes de eso llevaba ya una discografía en solitario más que notable y había producido discos como el “Saint Barlett” (10) De Damien Jurado o el “The Trip” (10) de Lætitia Sadier.
20 meneos
32 clics

Muere Don Wilson, guitarrista de The Ventures

Don Wilson, cofundador y guitarrista rítmico de la influyente banda de rock instrumental The Ventures, ha fallecido este fin de semana a los 88 años. Wilson fue miembro activo de The Ventures hasta que se retiró en 2015, pero continuó grabando con la formación actual del grupo y produjo el documental de 2020 “The Ventures: Stars On Guitars”.
17 3 1 K 76
17 3 1 K 76
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2 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Michigan prisons ban Spanish and Swahili dictionaries to prevent inmate disruptions

Officials in prison systems across the United States have banned certain books as a way to prevent the flow of material that they say might incite violence. In Michigan, the ban has extended to several non-English language dictionaries. Over the last year, the Michigan Department of Corrections has banned dictionaries in Spanish and Swahili under claims that books' contents are a threat to
1 0 1 K 4
1 0 1 K 4
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210 clics

Los dueños del crucero más grande del mundo han encargado uno todavía más grande: así será el ‘Icon of the Seas’  

El actual crucero más grande del mundo, el Wonder of the Seas, fue entregado hace poco menos de un año a Royal Caribbean.Se trata de una auténtica ciudad flotante. La compañía, sin embargo, acaba de anunciar el Icon of the Seas, el próximo crucero más grande del mundo. Con una eslora de 365 metros y 2.805 camarotes, el Icon of the Seas podrá transportar 5.610 pasajeros, contará con 7 piscinas y con el “parque acuático más grande en el mar” con 6 toboganes. Se espera que el crucero navegue durante todo el año a partir de 2023.
