Actualidad y sociedad

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20 clics

José María Aznar y Ana Botella disfrutan de unos días en Marbella

Marbella se convierte durante los meses de julio y agosto en un completo de caras conocidas que buscan la desconexión, relajación y disfrute que otorga uno de los destinos vacacionales preferidos de nuestros famosos. Modelos, deportistas, políticos, actores y personajes influyentes de diferentes gremios se dan cita en las mejores playas de la geografía española para vivir en plenitud el verano.
2 0 14 K -147
2 0 14 K -147
1 meneos

XL Officially Merges with AXIS Becoming a Single Business Entity

The official merger between XL and AXIS means that both companies have legally joined to become a single business entity. This will generate positive impacts and deliver greater benefits for subscribers, such as ensuring better service quality and network (better), serving bigger number of XL subscribers (bigger), and provide wider availabiliity of products and customer services in the market (wider).”
1 0 16 K -176
1 0 16 K -176
1 meneos

XL Axiata sells telcom towers to pay off $865 million debt

The country’s second largest cellular operator PT XL Axiata (EXCL) has officially started selling a number of its telecommunication towers to pay off part of its debt. The firm officially invited bidders on Tuesday to buy a portion of its towers, which number over 8,000. “We’re targeting to complete the selling process in the first half of the year and use the raised funds to pay part of our debt,” XL Axiata vice president of corporate communications Turina Farouk told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday.
1 0 12 K -153
1 0 12 K -153
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Benefits of Reconditioning

Keeping a youthful, up-to-date fleet of boom boosts and telehandlers is good for business. Shiny machines in good working order keep your operators happy and help minimize maintenance costs. Nevertheless buying new equipment each year isn’t a choice for most owners. Even if it is, it’s not always financially practical. Reconditioning equipment you already own or buying reconditioned units permits business owners to retain their assets in top working condition or reasonably increase their fleets. The present economy makes both of these choices i
1 0 10 K -106
1 0 10 K -106
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Insurance vs Reinsurance

Insurance and reinsurance are the same in concept. These two are both tools that protect you from big losses whether where part of the world you are at, U.S in the West or in SE Asian countries like KL Malaysia, Beijing China, Singapore or Jakarta Indonesia.
1 0 7 K -73
1 0 7 K -73
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Why do I need Professional Liability Insurance?

Professional Liability Insurance is an Insurance that safeguards professionals like accountants, lawyers and physicians from negligence and further claims commenced by their clients. It is compulsory by professionals who have expertise in a particular area for the reason that general liability insurance policies do not provide protection against claims arising out of business or professional practices corresponding negligence, malpractice or misrepresentation.
1 0 14 K -149
1 0 14 K -149
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Why You Need an Insurance against Accidents and How to Buy One

You have a huge life insurance cover with a term plan to protect your family's financial future. You also have a complete health insurance plan to pay your hospital bills. Your car is insured against damage and theft, whereas your house is covered against natural and man-made calamities and burglary. But it is quite possible that you don't have personal accident insurance. In 2013-14, barely 55 individuals purchased personal accident insurance. That's less than 0.4% of the total population of the country and about 3% of the projected insurable
1 0 5 K -54
1 0 5 K -54
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Start Your Business with Little to No Capital

AXIS Capital, Inc. headquartered in Grand Island Nebraska, is a Direct Lender providing quality equipment leasing/financing services along with superior customer service, give you this tips to start your business with little to no capital.
1 0 10 K -117
1 0 10 K -117
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Peter Sondakh wants his towers back, but at what price?

How much is Indonesian billionaire Peter Sondakh willing to pay to get back some of the telecom towers he sold nearly a decade ago? That is the question as the growing tower business, which is booming due to the explosive growth in data with the number of smartphone users soaring, is a lucrative side of the business with telecom companies eager to expand their network coverage.
1 1 13 K -139
1 1 13 K -139
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Start Small yet Think Big

The most straightforward and most economical opportunities to consider when beginning out are laser-based systems that usually use a magnetic attached laser receiver on the machine with a grade lasers for advancement and grade. The laser receiver proposes both visible and audible indication for above, below and on grade location.
1 0 10 K -114
1 0 10 K -114
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UPDATE 1-Indonesia's XL Axiata sells telecom towers to Solusi Tunas for $460 mln

Oct 1 (Reuters) - Indonesian mobile telecom operator PT XL Axiata Tbk will sell 3,500 communication towers to telecom infrastructure firm PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk in a 5.6 trillion rupiah ($460 million) deal that will help it cut mounting debt. After a three-month tender process, the country's second-biggest telecom operator by subscribers agreed to sell the towers to Solusi Tunas for cash and then lease them back for 10 years, XL Axiata said in a statement. The deal is expected to close by the end of the year.
1 1 6 K -46
1 1 6 K -46
1 meneos

Which is better off Leasing or Buying Capital Assets?

There are generally insistent reasons for a business to lease instead of buying capital assets. Leasing arrangements are a type of finance in which an asset is learned by a third party, typically a bank or finance company, and afterward leased to the end user for a prearranged period of time. This arrangement denotes the business never really has title to the asset for the term of the lease, even though it is permitted to use the asset in that time.
1 0 6 K -53
1 0 6 K -53
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Repairs? – Get Help of an Expert

Construction industry is greatly reliant on on heavy equipment and one must take complete care of his equipment; since if the equipment goes defective, he has no work to do for the whole day. Furthermore, the work awaiting for the day gets carried forward to the following day, which signifies that he, has to finish 2 days’ work in a single day. This could be pretty difficult for a company which deals with giant projects. A postponement of work for a day can even start huge loses and can furthermore dull the reputation of the company. Therefore,
1 0 13 K -148
1 0 13 K -148
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Indonesia the Best Lower Formation in Axiata Cup 2014

Axiata Cup mixed team is a game that is played four numbers, namely men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles and mixed doubles. Qualifying matches will take place on 27 November to 3 December 2014 Britama Arena Sports Mall Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. While the semi-finals and finals will be held at the Kuala Lumpur Badminton Stadium (KLBA) Cheras, on December 6-7, 2014.
1 0 8 K -90
1 0 8 K -90
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XL Axiata Record Net Loss Rp901 M

While in the same period last year, the company posted a net profit of Rp917 billion, or 107 per share. The report published in the company's financial disclosure Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Wednesday (10/29/2014) shows that the net loss due to rising loads and operating loss.
2 0 6 K -38
2 0 6 K -38
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6 clics

Caution Warnings When Purchasing Used Equipment

It's no shock that throughout the last years the economy has been an urging aspect affecting construction equipment ownership. Many contractors in Jakarta Indonesia and worldwide, have been repairing and holding onto machinery longer. A lot of contractors have transferred from purchasing new equipment to purchasing used. There are things that you should be looking for before buying a used machine if you ate in the used equipment buying or selling.
1 0 7 K -60
1 0 7 K -60
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Discovering the Accurate Equipment Lease

The method for discovering a good leasing arrangement for your business equipment is actually not unlike the process for purchasing equipment. The initial pace is to verify as closely as possible precisely what you require and how much you're eager to pay. As soon as that's complete, you must dedicate some time to shopping around to discover the best deal for your money.
1 0 11 K -117
1 0 11 K -117
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Indonesian Hot Battleground for Mobile Messaging

Satwika Movementi, 27, has been benefitting from mobile messaging applications for years to not only stay in touch with friends and family, but also to help her ease the flow of communications with her office colleagues.
1 0 9 K -91
1 0 9 K -91
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12 clics

Seven simple rules for first home buyers

Buying your first home in Jakarta, Indonesia is a pretty overwhelming experience. There’s a lot to think about and it’s easy to make mistakes. Avoid the most common pitfalls with our seven simple rules.
2 0 13 K -135
2 0 13 K -135
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Disability Income Insurance: Some Features Say It All

Prospective insurance buyers are often confused about disability income insurance because the features and benefits vary widely from one policy to another. Especially now that there are a lot of frauds out there. Essentially, there are a few key elements that could make a big difference when you make your choice.
1 0 7 K -68
1 0 7 K -68
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5 Things to Know About the 2015 Construction Industry

For the first time in years, it is difficult to predict what the construction market will do in 2015. Bull market operations exist from construction pros and trade contractors as a whole. The following are questions that we are looking into for those belonging in the Construction Business Category:
1 0 8 K -94
1 0 8 K -94
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How to Manage Work-Related Stress

One of people’s biggest problems is work-related stress. It may be because of a demanding boss, a mountain of workload or pressuring deadlines. Many people say stress is relative and natural but most people who undergo it would give anything just to get rid of it.
2 0 13 K -124
2 0 13 K -124
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Topcoat Construction Limited (TCL Associates): Cykliske Maleri og Udsmykning Tjenester

Gennem anvendelsesområdet unikt tilpassede og specialiserede tjenester har Topcoat Construction Limited med succes leveret hvad små og store projekter kræver til istandsættelse, vedligeholdelse og rehabilitering. Kapacitet af et selskab til at besvare behovene af kunder, der har disse speciale konstruktionskrav tilføjer til virksomhedens voksende omdømme som en vigtig aktør i branchen.
1 0 11 K -115
1 0 11 K -115
4 meneos
16 clics

Las familias españolas gastaron unos 220 euros en farmacia en 2014, un 20% más que el año anterior

Las familias españolas gastaron unos 220 euros en farmacia en 2014, un 20% más que el año anterior
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8 clics

Topcoat Construction Limited (TCL Associates): Tips on How to Repair and Maintain Your Home

Even in the aftermath of plummeting prices of homes in many developed countries as a result of the prevailing global economic crisis, a home remains one of the primary and essential commodities which are still beyond the reach of majority of low-income families in developing countries. Whether one owns a home or not, keeping it in proper condition is a necessary step toward achieving safety and comfort.
1 0 12 K -155
1 0 12 K -155
