Actualidad y sociedad

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1 meneos

The Shearin Group Leadership Training Tips For Thought On A Startup Budget

7 Tips For Thought Leadership On A Startup Budget This summer, I recently participated in a thought leadership workshop for Arizona CEOs (from which I was inspired to write an article for Upstart Business Journal on “3 Lessons Startup Founders Could Learn from Corporate America“). Molly Castelazo of Castelazo Content led this event at the annual Arizona Technology Council’s CEO Retreat. The audience was comprised of mainly well-established companies. However looking around the room.
1 0 13 K -150
1 0 13 K -150
1 meneos
1 clics

The Shearin Group Leadership Training Tips to Help Put "Thanks" and "Giving”

5 Tips to Help Put "Thanks" and "Giving" Back In Thanksgiving It’s that time of year again. So, why is this money expert, who provides financial advice to Baby Boomers and their offspring, writing about Thanksgiving? Because the “giving” part of money is key to any money discussion (and I love Thanksgiving and this is my blog!)
1 0 7 K -65
1 0 7 K -65
1 meneos
3 clics

The Shearin Group Leadership Training Tips to Keep your Company Task Force on Task

Five tips to keep your company task force on task. As private and public sector organizations grow and change, internal committees become an increasingly important way to integrate different parts of the business and get things done.
1 0 6 K -53
1 0 6 K -53
3 meneos
5 clics

Wie Shearin Herausforderungen des Einzelnen Führend zu Werden

Shearin Group Review glaubt an die Bedeutung der Führung auf allen Ebenen der Gesellschaft, viel mehr, innerhalb der Organisation eines Unternehmens. Doch beginnt es mit der Person, die die Grundeinheit einer sozialen oder wirtschaftlichen Struktur bildet.
2 1 9 K -73
2 1 9 K -73
2 meneos
5 clics

The Shearin Group Leadership Training Tips om Hvordan Shearin udfordrer enkelt til at blive en leder

Lederskab er en funktion af alle mennesker. Faderen er leder af familien. Konen deler også denne rolle inden for sin egen kapacitet uden at tage væk eller ødelægge den vigtigste rolle til manden. Familien, fører på en mest grundlæggende måde, måde for alle medlemmer af samfundet. Det giver de værdier og rollemodeller, der voksende børn skal have for at fastholde cyklussen af orden og harmoni i Fællesskabet.
1 1 13 K -133
1 1 13 K -133
8 meneos
323 clics

Un error en Burger King consigue crear una start-up

Un error humano de la responsable del proceso de selección Leadership Development de Burguer King ha sido el 'culpable' de la creación de una start-up de 497 empleados. Una de las personas que trabajaba ahí reveló por error las dirección de correo electrónico de los aspirantes y la confusión generó una gran polémica a través de las redes con el hashtag #497NewFriendsTksToBurgerKingFail.
6 2 5 K 0
6 2 5 K 0
12 meneos
13 clics

Los Boy Scouts cambian su política y permitirán líderes gays en sus filas (ENG)

Los Boy Scout of America acaban de modificar sus políticas de admisión con un 79 por ciento de votos a favor en el último National Executive Board. Esta nueva enmienda permitirá a las diferentes organizaciones y capítulos por toda Norte América contratar y disponer de líderes adultos abiertamente gays. Hasta ahora sólo se permitía la participación de menores gays pero no así de sus líderes y representantes. El Presidente de los Boy Scout afirma que no han tenido más remedio que aceptar a los gays ante el costo de la avalancha de denuncias.
11 1 1 K 122
11 1 1 K 122
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7 clics

Leadership Habits You Must Posses

You have done every advice that you have read in the internet about leadership. You have founded a good team of subordinates who respect you and look up to you. Your boss has also given enough responsibility to you to feel your worth. Well, good for you. The truth is that not every leadership tactic works for every leader. Since there are different human behaviors, one approach may not be suitable for the environment and team you are working with.
1 0 11 K -136
1 0 11 K -136
2 meneos
6 clics
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Leadership and People Management - John Academy

As worldwide organisations move towards a flatter, group-based structure, directors and group leaders are required to find the best ways of how to consolidate full-time operational duties with leadership or managerial roles. This course will be very beneficial for people who wish to be or are already in leading roles in any organisation. This course will equip anyone with the essential leadership and people management skills.
1 1 11 K -92
1 1 11 K -92
