Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 1266, tiempo total: 0.030 segundos rss2
10 meneos
31 clics

La autora de The Whole Pantry, Belle Gibson, confiesa que mintió cuando afirmó tener un cáncer terminal (ENG)

La creadora de la App The Whole Pantry y el libro de cocina del mismo nombre ha roto su silencio sobre la controvertida historia que ella ha utilizado para construir su negocio después que surgieran serias dudas sobre su supuesto cáncer terminal y las cuestionables actividades de recaudación de fondos que estaba llevando a cabo. La Sra. Gibson lanzó un negocio global, que incluye la aplicación y el libro de cocina, utilizando controvertidas afirmaciones en relación con que ella había sido capaz de curar de forma natural su propio cáncer...
3 meneos
238 clics

Amazon cierra en España su 'súper' Pantry

Amazon puso en marcha en 2016 en España su negocio de Pantry, el portal para la venta de productos de gran consumo a sus suscriptores de Prime. Y, cuatro años después, el gigante estadounidense ha decidido terminar con este canal
33 meneos
70 clics

Protestas contra la cadena de supermercados Whole Foods por vender carne de conejo [ENG]

Protestas en todo el país este fin de semana en respuesta a la decisión de Whole Foods Market de vender carne de conejo en determinadas tiendas. Algunas personas dicen que comer conejo es como comer un animal doméstico. Un grupo de manifestantes quiso detener la venta de carne de conejo en julio en Virginia Beach. En un comunicado, la compañía dijo que la carne se ajustaría a las normas de Whole Foods. Eso significa que los conejos no serán enjaulados, se les curará si enferman, y les dejarán tiempo para descansar durante su período de cría.
5 meneos
112 clics

¿Y si Amazon compra Mercadona?

Juan Roig presume de que Mercadona es el Walmart español. Y si WalMart teme a Amazon, ¿cómo no va a preocuparse la cadena española por el avance del gigante online en pleno asalto al negocio de los supermercados? Desde que Amazon ha comprado la cadena de comestibles de gama alta Whole Foods, por casi 14.000 millones de dólares, el sector de comestibles se ha echado a temblar.
33 meneos
258 clics
Este envío tiene varios votos negativos. Asegúrate antes de menear

Estado Unidos: ¿Cuántos prisioneros están detrás de la comida que consumes todos los días?

A primera vista, todo esto parecía una maravillosa idea; el hecho de ocupar a los presos en tareas de elaboración de alimentos puede sonar a una manera de terapia ocupacional para los reos; los aleja de la pesada cotidianidad a la que se ven forzados a diario, convierten una vida de enclaustramiento en una útil y productiva, se despejan de sus pensamientos recurrentes, se disminuyen los brotes de violencia carcelaria, el tiempo de condena puede ser más ligero, etcétera.
12 meneos
16 clics

Amazon subirá el salario mínimo de sus trabajadores a 15 dólares la hora y hará 'lobby' para que suban el federal [EN]

Amazon ha anunciado hoy que subirá el salario mínimo de sus más de 250.000 trabajadores en Estados Unidos a los quince dólares (trece euros) por hora, incluyendo a los trabajadores a tiempo parcial, los contratados a través de empresas de trabajo temporal y los de la cadena de supermercados Whole Foods. La compañía también avanzó que presionaría al gobierno federal para aumentar el salario mínimo legal en Estados Unidos. El año pasado los supermercados Target y Cosco ya anunciaron que subirían su salario mínimo a 15 y 14 dólares la hora.
10 2 0 K 69
10 2 0 K 69
1 meneos

The Avanti Group Law articles In The Fight To Vindicate The Comfort Women

In The Fight To Vindicate The Comfort Women, Ordinary Americans Upstage U.S. Tokyo Ambassador Caroline Kennedy Last month I recounted how a top U.S. law firm had agreed to help shadowy Japanese interests try to portray the so-called Comfort Women – the sex slaves grotesquely abused by the Japanese Imperial Army in World War II – as no more than common prostitutes. As I pointed out, the case is totally toxic and no respectable law firm should have anything to do with it.
1 0 5 K -38
1 0 5 K -38
1 meneos

The Harver Group Management: Contact Center Amsterdam

Amsterdam – The Contact Center Amsterdam, where the calls for information number 14020 from the City Council of Amsterdam come in, will use the TalentPitch, the application tool to recruit the right contact center employees.
1 0 14 K -186
1 0 14 K -186
295 meneos
1967 clics
Muere Hilton Valentine, guitarrista de The Animals y creador del memorable arpegio de «The house of the rising sun»

Muere Hilton Valentine, guitarrista de The Animals y creador del memorable arpegio de «The house of the rising sun»

El guitarrista fundador de The Animals, Hilton Valentine, autor del memorable arpegio de apertura de la versión que el grupo hizo del clásico «The House of the Rising Sun», ha fallecido este viernes a los 77 años, sin que hayan trascendido las causas. Valentine nació en North Shields (Inglaterra), y comenzó a tocar la guitarra a los trece años. Cuando se quedó huérfano, tres años después, formó parte del grupo de skiffle The Heppers, después rebautizados The Wildcats, con los que Valentine se hizo famoso por su estilo salvaje.
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161 134 0 K 420
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The Haver Group Management: Contact Center Amsterdam starts with the TalentPitch for the selection of employees

Amsterdam – The Contact Center Amsterdam, where the calls for information number 14020 from the City Council of Amsterdam come in, will use the TalentPitch, the application tool to recruit the right contact center employees.
1 0 6 K -61
1 0 6 K -61
1 meneos

The Harver Group Management: Contact Center Amsterdam starts with the TalentPitch for the selection of employees

Amsterdam – The Contact Center Amsterdam, where the calls for information number 14020 from the City Council of Amsterdam come in, will use the TalentPitch, the application tool to recruit the right contact center employees.
1 0 8 K -108
1 0 8 K -108
1 meneos
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Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan - Understanding Foreign Bank Accounts and Offshore

There is an increasing industry of offshore practitioners advising citizens of the United States to set up offshore bank accounts. They convince the U.S. individual to trust the firm secrecy laws of the jurisdiction and to not report ownership of the funds to the Internal Revenue Service. This pure and simple tax fraud gets several people into trouble. Bear in mind that the people of the United States are required to report any financial interest in any offshore account.
1 0 8 K -89
1 0 8 K -89
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Understanding Foreign Bank Accounts and Offshore Banking of the Marvont Group

There is an increasing industry of offshore practitioners advising citizens of the United States to set up offshore bank accounts. They convince the U.S. individual to trust the firm secrecy laws of the jurisdiction and to not report ownership of the funds to the Internal Revenue Service. This pure and simple tax fraud gets several people into trouble. Bear in mind that the people of the United States are required to report any financial interest in any offshore account.
1 0 10 K -106
1 0 10 K -106
1 meneos
1 clics

Defining Fraudulence

Fraudulence has been defined in many ways depending on where it is being used. The general idea around the term is negative and is often used interchangeably with deceitfulness or trickery. The extremity of a fraudulent act ranges from being a mere prank to risking a life. In the field of medicine, health and wellness, it can result to the latter. World Health Organization (WHO) has first used the term counterfeit to the production of counterfeit medicines. Nowadays, the use of the term fraudulent had incited numerous co
1 0 10 K -113
1 0 10 K -113
1 meneos
4 clics

Introducing Batik

Some of you may already be familiar with the term Batik, a unique fabric which originated from the archipelago of Indonesia. It is impossible to go to the country and not be introduced to this pride. Batik is one of the few fabrics which can awaken more than your visual senses. Aside from the different color combinations, the patterns of batik also urge you to feel the fabric. When you also come to a batik factory, you can actually smell it.
1 0 10 K -116
1 0 10 K -116
2 meneos
4 clics

New Year, New Home Trends

Home construction has flourished in 2015 as it has in the last preceding years. Now that we have already welcomed 2016, architects and home builders are more optimistic than ever for the future of the industry. Analysts have also predicted that construction has a strong year ahead with the number of pending projects from last year to the upcoming demands of the next 12 months. Developing countries are also set towards urbanization. Topping the list is the city of Jakarta, Indonesia, Bangkok, Thailand and Taipei, Taiwan.
2 0 6 K -59
2 0 6 K -59
1 meneos
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Increasing Expat Population Drives Posh Condo Market to Soar

The potential of Asian countries have grown from mediocre to an alarming threat to oust already developed countries such as the United States and United Kingdom from their economic leading positions. The culture and the rich variety of resources also contribute to the growing investments in the each country. The continent already has its own list of developed countries including Singapore, South Korea, Japan, China and United Arab Emirates (UAE) among others.
1 0 11 K -130
1 0 11 K -130
1 meneos
21 clics

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs  

Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little,
1 0 13 K -114
1 0 13 K -114
1 meneos
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The Peterson Group Review: Moving in Guide for Expatriates

The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominiums has its own membership organizations in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Hong Kong.The number of expatriates in the developing cities is increasing gradually every year. Cultural exchange, as it is called, has been happening from across the globe as continental boundaries have opened wide to admit other nationalities. There may even come a time when people are no longer caring on race, religion and color and natives are already fused with different bloods from different nations. S
1 0 9 K -84
1 0 9 K -84
1 meneos
3 clics

Choosing Art Work For Modern Homes

We rarely enter a home without an art piece in sight. Let’s face it: even the most self-proclaimed and the strictest minimalist has at least one art piece displayed in his home. Art items help us express the personality we want to exude. These displays support the outlook of the room and the theme we want to approach. Searching for the right item can be irritating, intimidating and challenging especially if you admittedly lack art streaks.
1 0 10 K -129
1 0 10 K -129
1 meneos
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The Peterson Group: The Future of CAM (Complementary, Alternative & Integrative Medicine)

The history of healing or medical practice is as long as the very existence of humans themselves. Well, almost. Many cultures speak of the pre-history of humans when they lived in Utopia or Paradise; and humans and their environment were initially perfect and conducive to perpetual living. But we are talking about history, pre-history.
1 0 7 K -75
1 0 7 K -75
1 meneos

The Petersen Group: Smart Design and Lifetime Homes

Everyone needs a home, not just simply a house. It is a place where you can escape the pressure of the outside world and find mental and emotional support from your family. Building your house into something you'll hold dear, and find comfort, love, and security is the first step in having your true home. With this goal in mind, a custom home would be the best answer to your special needs. A secondhand house is not bad, but why not make something according to your specifications and tastes from the ground up? Sounds exciting right?
1 0 6 K -49
1 0 6 K -49
1 meneos
7 clics

The Lallgarh Palace Hotel, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India, Book best 4 Star Hotel in Bikaner online directly from our website

WELCOME TO THE LALLGARH PALACE HOTEL Built in 1896, this palatial hotel in an Indo-Saracenic-style sandstone building is 2.3 km from the Karni Mata Temple and 2.6 km from the Junagarh Fort. The elegant rooms feature marble floors, intricately carved wood furniture and ceiling fans, plus TVs, minibars and tea and coffeemakers. They also have sitting areas and safes. Upgraded rooms add living rooms and sofas.
1 0 20 K -170
1 0 20 K -170
1 meneos
5 clics

The Greatest Showman Full Movie Download Free HD Torrent 720p

The Greatest Showman is about American showman P. T. Barnum becomes the founder of the circus. The Greatest Showman Full Movie Download Free HD Watch The Greatest Showman Full Movie Free HD
1 0 8 K -62
1 0 8 K -62
9 meneos
214 clics

En subasta el Volkswagen Jetta de ‘The Fast and the Furious’ firmado por Paul Walker

El Volkswagen Jetta Mk3 1995 que apareció en la primera cinta de la serie “The Fast and The Furious” (2001) y que es todo un símbolo del tunning de autos de la décadas de 1990 y 2000, está de nuevo a la venta por medio de una subasta. El vehículo de color blanco que en la cinta manejó el actor Chad Lindberg en el papel de “Jessie” y que está autografiado por el finado Paul Walker, protagonista de la saga de autos de competencia ya fue vendido en 2016 por medio de una subasta organizada por la casa Barrett-Jackson y ahora ha salido de n
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