Cultura y divulgación
16 meneos
241 clics

No te sueltes  

El emotivo anuncio que anima a las parejas a tomarse de la mano y luchar por el amor.

| etiquetas: holdtight , lgtb , felgtb , campaña
13 3 1 K 68
13 3 1 K 68
  1. Eso mismo me decía mi madre cuando íbamos a cruzar la calle. La desobediencia de esa orden hacía entrar en funcionamiento la zapatilla.
  2. Esto es un no parar...
  3. !No te sueltes!, !Agárrate de aquí! ?.. Y la hostia que recibió el chaval se oyó a kilometros de distancia.
  4. Hay un comentario precioso en el vídeo:
    "This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you. The "simple act" of holding hands is not simple for many of us. It is often fraught with painful memories and taunts, if not violence. Only once for me, while on a date with a great guy in San Francisco who asked what I would like to do in our time together have I felt completely comfortable doing it. My response was: ""walk around holding hands" .He smiled and said - ok. We walked around the Castro area doing just that until I relaxed, we stopped at a crosswalk and kissed for a couple of green lights - no taunts, no violence, no jeers tossed at us. He asked if I would like to go shopping holding hands and went to a grocery store and bought some snacks, hands clasped. We went then to a park bench overlooking that amazing city and ate chips and laughed and I thanked him for a night I would never forget. And I haven't, and I won't. Holdtight my younger friends - to you from failing hands I throw - this."
    En algún que otro país les puede costar la vida, pero San Francisco es un paraíso.
  5. #1 Ya, a otros les ha costado la vida :-( , hay bastante diferencia ¿no crees?.
  6. #3 Muy interesante...
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