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Dream Chronicles ™ 2: The Eternal Maze Game

<span id="gameinfo_desc">Faye returns in this riveting sequel to face Lilith, the evil Fairy Queen. Help Faye navigate intricate puzzles and magical landscapes while piecing together clues. Can you discover the origin of the fairies and find each distinct dream jewel? Seek advice from foliage and feel your way out of the Eternal Maze, while traveling back and forth between the realms of humans and immortals. Help Faye find the true nature of things in Dream Chronicles ™ 2: The Eternal Maze.</span>
1 1 6 K -71
1 1 6 K -71
1 meneos
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Build-a-lot 2: Town of the Year Game

<span id="gameinfo_desc">Study the blueprints, it`s time to design a new town in Build-a-lot 2. Use your entrepreneurial eye to spot the right locations for parks and shops. Pick your paint colors, upgrades, and landscaping to create the ultimate curb appeal for outstanding profits. How about a latte from the new coffee shop? Maybe new flower boxes for the garden center? Flip houses in this fancy resource management sequel. Welcome to the neighborhood in Build-a-lot 2!</span>
1 0 3 K -26
1 0 3 K -26
1 meneos

The Edge aparece en el documental "The Story of the Guitar"

El guitarrista de U2 aparece en el documental "The Story of the Guitar" emitido por la BBC.
1 0 4 K -32
1 0 4 K -32
1 meneos

Los fanáticos de "The Lord of the Rings" alimentan la saga con "The Hunt of Gollum"

El fenómeno fan de la saga "The Lord of the Rings" dio origen a "The Hunt of Gollum", una nueva película inspirada en el mundo creado por J.R.R. Tolkein solo disponible en internet, donde hoy ya cuenta con casi medio millón de visionados. "The Hunt of Gollum" está disponible legalmente con subtítulos en español en la web dailymotion.com.
1 0 0 K 8
1 0 0 K 8
1 meneos

An Unheard Voice in the Holy Land

Interview With Patriach Twal of Jerusalem The Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem laments, however, that as the international community is slow to take them into consideration, the numbers of Christians are dwindling. Part of the problem, he notes, is that Israel’s 20-foot-high wall around the Palestinian territories has made daily life for many almost impossible. is painful to see the local church, the local Christians who cannot even visit these Holy places. A parish priest from Bethlehem cannot bring his faithful for a pilgrimage to these holy
1 0 5 K -74
1 0 5 K -74
2 meneos

The blind painter Scorpio and the realism

Sees the realism this painter legally blind. Without being a hyperrealist or photographic realist.He does not also use models to form the figure of the kind(genre). Simply he records to fire in his mind the image and his rapture is tinting for the beauty, which he feels, thinks and cannot reach
1 1 5 K -46
1 1 5 K -46
14 meneos
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Detectada vulnerabilidad en Wi-fi WPA2 [ENG]

Via slashdot: "...wireless security researchers say they have uncovered a vulnerability in the WPA2 security protocol, which is the strongest form of Wi-Fi encryption and authentication currently standardized and available. Malicious insiders can exploit the vulnerability, named 'Hole 196' by the researcher who discovered it at wireless security company AirTight Networks. The moniker refers to the page of the IEEE 802.11 Standard (Revision, 2007) on which the vulnerability is buried. Hole 196 lends itself to man-in-the-middle-style exploits, w
13 1 5 K 50
13 1 5 K 50
9 meneos
54 clics

‘The Big Picture’ se va a The Atlantic

El autor de ‘The Big Picture’, Alan Taylor, el famoso blog de fotografías de The Boston Globe, deja el periódico en el que nació para saltar a la revista The Atlantic. Taylor, programador del Globe, comenzó este blog por afición hace dos años y medio y en ese tiempo ‘The Big Picture’ ha acaparado más de la mitad del tráfico del Globe. Su nuevo trabajo le permitirá dedicarse exclusivamente al blog, ya que hasta ahora seguía combinándolo con su trabajo de programador en el Globe.
7 meneos
65 clics
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The Big Picture: Afghanistan, February 2011 [eng]

The buildup of forces in Afghanistan is complete, with the number of US troops there the highest yet. The surge is part of President Obama’s campaign to take the battle to the Taliban strongholds in the south and east, while accelerating training of Afghan security forces. In February, suicide attacks by militants increased, and villagers and Afghan officials accused NATO of killing a large number of civilians in airstrikes. The images in this month's post show Afghans and NATO-led soldiers working and living through moments of sheer terror . .
6 meneos
72 clics

'The Sun' se jacta en su portada del cierre de 'News of The World'

las reacciones sobre el cierre de 'News of The World' coparán gran parte de las informaciones vertidas en los medios. un claro ejemplo es la portada de este viernes del diario The Sun, donde ironiza con la repercusión de la noticia. "El fin del mundo" puede leerse en unas leras que ocupan la mitad de la portada para más abajo explicar que el "News of the World cierra tras el escándalo de las escuchas".
2 meneos
19 clics

The Countries With The Fastest Growing Populations

The world’s population is likely to exceed 10 billion by the end of the century, up from 7 billion this year, according to research based on United Nations data. While population changes will remain flat or decline in developed countries, developing countries, notably those in Africa, will experience tremendous growth. According to David Bloom, a Harvard economist and author of the report “7 Billion and Counting,” nearly all of the growth will occur in less-developed regions.
1 1 13 K -126
1 1 13 K -126
16 meneos
39 clics

The Animals: 50 años de rock salvaje

Hace 50 años, Eric Burdon se integró en la banda liderada por otro joven de Newcastle llamado Alan Price para formar The Animals con Chas Chandler, Hilton Valentine y John Steel. Como The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds y otras bandas ilustres de la primera oleada del pop británico, The Animals fijaron el punto de mira de su estilo en el blues y el R&B. En 1964, bajo el padrinazgo del productor Mickie Most, se establecieron en Londres y abrieron su paleta al cancionero de otros artistas, siempre desde los presupuestos de la música...
16 0 0 K 119
16 0 0 K 119
6 meneos
39 clics

Reino Unido celebra el 60 aniversario del reinado de Isabel II [ENG]  

CyP: "Britain spent the last four days marking the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's reign. Some of the festivities included the Coronation Cup horse race, River Pageant flotilla along the River Thames, a concert at Buckingham Palace, and carriage processional through central London. It was the second time in history the UK celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of a monarch."
7 meneos
27 clics

The Pirate Bay caido

The Pirate Bay is down at the moment, so naturally people start to get worried. Those who wonder whether their ISP has started to block access to the site can be assured though, the downtime is global. Still, every time the site goes offline for a few minutes thousands of people start to worry that [...]
6 1 10 K -98
6 1 10 K -98
8 meneos
230 clics
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Portadas de discos desde el otro lado: The Dark Side of the Covers  

Carátulas de álbumes como Dark Side of the Moon de Pink Floid, Nevermind de Nirvana, Born in the USA de Bruce Springsteen, Is This It de The Strokes, In Rock de Deep Purple, Horror Business de The Misfits, Aladdin Sane de David Bowie, Origin of Symmetry de Muse, Abbey Road de The Beatles, Personal Jesus de Depeche Mode o Computerwelt de Kraftwerk han sido vistas desde atrás con un superlativo cuidado por todos y cada uno de los detalles en un perfecto alarde de imaginación e ingenio.
2 meneos
13 clics

Crazy Festivals In The World

Harbin Ice Festival, Harbin, China. This festival happens during January. The residents of Harbin resist the bitter Siberian winter by building a city made exclusively of ice instead of staying in front of the fire indoors. Laser technology and traditional sculpting techniques are used to build the chilly metropolis, which then melts into the history books with the arrival of spring.
1 1 7 K -84 ocio
1 1 7 K -84 ocio
1 meneos
8 clics

The snail feeds as COLOR INVERTED

The snail feeds as COLOR INVERTED. Caracol is the common name of gastropod molluscs provided with a spiral shell. There are marine snails (sometimes called shells ) , freshwater and terrestrial . They are prized by man, both collectors as gastronomic purposes . Snails move through a series of muscle contractions wave traversing the underside of the foot . Although hermaphrodite snail can not self fertilize necessarily accurate coupling. The bridge port is located on the right side of the head . Terrestrial and marine snails.Caracol Alimentación
1 0 12 K -137 cultura
1 0 12 K -137 cultura
34 meneos
465 clics

“The Man in the High Castle”: Así sería Estados Unidos si los nazis hubieran ganado la Guerra  

La serie basada en la clásica ucronía de Philip K. Dick ya puede verse en línea; “The Man in the High Castle“ está producida por Ridley Scott y Amazon Studios. The Man in the High Castle” reimagina el punto nodal de nuestra historia reciente, el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y desarrolla la idea de lo que hubiera pasado si Alemania y Japón hubieran vencido a los Aliados. Una ucronía en la que Estados Unidos ha sido dividido entre Japón, que domina la costa del Pacífico y el Reich nazi que controla la mayor parte del país.
1 meneos
3 clics

The Haver Group Management: Contact Center Amsterdam starts with the TalentPitch for the selection of employees

Amsterdam – The Contact Center Amsterdam, where the calls for information number 14020 from the City Council of Amsterdam come in, will use the TalentPitch, the application tool to recruit the right contact center employees.
1 0 6 K -61 actualidad
1 0 6 K -61 actualidad
1 meneos

The Harver Group Management: Contact Center Amsterdam starts with the TalentPitch for the selection of employees

Amsterdam – The Contact Center Amsterdam, where the calls for information number 14020 from the City Council of Amsterdam come in, will use the TalentPitch, the application tool to recruit the right contact center employees.
1 0 8 K -108 actualidad
1 0 8 K -108 actualidad
1 meneos
3 clics

Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan - Understanding Foreign Bank Accounts and Offshore

There is an increasing industry of offshore practitioners advising citizens of the United States to set up offshore bank accounts. They convince the U.S. individual to trust the firm secrecy laws of the jurisdiction and to not report ownership of the funds to the Internal Revenue Service. This pure and simple tax fraud gets several people into trouble. Bear in mind that the people of the United States are required to report any financial interest in any offshore account.
1 0 8 K -89 actualidad
1 0 8 K -89 actualidad
1 meneos
3 clics

Understanding Foreign Bank Accounts and Offshore Banking of the Marvont Group

There is an increasing industry of offshore practitioners advising citizens of the United States to set up offshore bank accounts. They convince the U.S. individual to trust the firm secrecy laws of the jurisdiction and to not report ownership of the funds to the Internal Revenue Service. This pure and simple tax fraud gets several people into trouble. Bear in mind that the people of the United States are required to report any financial interest in any offshore account.
1 0 10 K -106 actualidad
1 0 10 K -106 actualidad
1 meneos
1 clics

Defining Fraudulence

Fraudulence has been defined in many ways depending on where it is being used. The general idea around the term is negative and is often used interchangeably with deceitfulness or trickery. The extremity of a fraudulent act ranges from being a mere prank to risking a life. In the field of medicine, health and wellness, it can result to the latter. World Health Organization (WHO) has first used the term counterfeit to the production of counterfeit medicines. Nowadays, the use of the term fraudulent had incited numerous co
1 0 10 K -113 actualidad
1 0 10 K -113 actualidad
1 meneos
4 clics

Introducing Batik

Some of you may already be familiar with the term Batik, a unique fabric which originated from the archipelago of Indonesia. It is impossible to go to the country and not be introduced to this pride. Batik is one of the few fabrics which can awaken more than your visual senses. Aside from the different color combinations, the patterns of batik also urge you to feel the fabric. When you also come to a batik factory, you can actually smell it.
1 0 10 K -116 actualidad
1 0 10 K -116 actualidad
1 meneos
5 clics

Is Homeopathy Just Water?

Food and Drug Administration had just recently reviewed the regulations regarding the practice of homeopathy in the United States. With the changing phase of the world, there are numerous questions as to whether homeopathy managed to remain the same. FDA once reasoned out that they were not able to strengthen the principles and implement proper security protocol on homeopathic medicines because of pressure from the public. With the same pressure, homeopathy is currently being scrutinized and questioned.
1 0 13 K -144 tecnología
1 0 13 K -144 tecnología
