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7 meneos
370 clics

Qué es Rectify11, cómo instalarlo y qué ventajas tiene frente a Windows 11

Tras el lanzamiento de Windows 11, Microsoft recibió grandes aplausos por haber creado un sistema operativo cohesionado y visualmente moderno (pese a los numerosos fallos que arrastró durante los primeros días). Sin embargo, todavía hay algunos elementos heredados en Windows 11 que recuerdan a los viejos tiempos de Windows XP. Para solucionar estas pequeñas incoherencias, un grupo de desarrolladores modificó Windows 11 y creó Rectify11. Desarrollado por un ingeniero llamado MikeRosoft6009, el shell ha sido rediseñado desde cero
28 meneos

n.Fluent: el software de traducción de IBM creado por matemáticos, lingüistas y desarrolladores

[c&p] Un equipo formado por 100 matemáticos, lingüistas y desarrolladores de IBM está desarrollando un software de traducción llamando n.Fluent. Ahora el gigante azul pretende sacar partido a sus 400.000 empleados que tiene repartido entre 170 países para mejorar los algoritmos y traducciones de los servidores que mantiene n.Fluent. A partir de los datos paralelos con el resultado de traducción automática y texto corregido por humanos, lo que ahora intentarán es enseñar a las máquinas las expresiones correctas.
25 3 0 K 223
25 3 0 K 223
1 meneos
12 clics
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Logo Design Company

Logo Design offers many different types of logo design services like 3D logo design, flat logo design, mascot logo design, combination logo design and many more by Prodesigns. we offer custom Logo Designs for help to make your company a brand. Get your custom logo design from ProDesign in 17 different logotypes.
1 0 9 K -64 actualidad
1 0 9 K -64 actualidad
2 meneos

industrial design company

industrial design company in Shanghai china, Product design,product development, engineering, 3d cad,innovative design, ergonomic design, innovation consultancy in china, production, styling, ergonomic design china, design strategy shanghai, design management shanghai, dutch design, china creative company,
2 0 5 K -39
2 0 5 K -39
1 meneos
9 clics

Explain your requirement to website designer for efficient website Design

For getting professionally web design website but you cannot find the same and then all money which you have expended for web design, website design goes wastage. So before availing website designing services from any company make sure about the credibility of website designer.
1 0 11 K -89
1 0 11 K -89
1 meneos
7 clics

graphic designer vancouver | vancouver graphic design | vancouver designer

Design Crews is a professional Vancouver-based design studio - All unique custom made logos - Best service lowest price -Free revisions till 100% satisfaction
1 0 17 K -214
1 0 17 K -214
2 meneos
20 clics

Diferencias entre Design thinking y Human centered design

Si estás empezando a adentrarte en el mundo del Design Thinking quizás te hayas encontrado el concepto de Human Centered Design. O al revés, estás investigando sobre las técnicas de IDEO y por ahí oyes campanadas sobre el design thinking. ¿Son lo mismo?, ¿son diferentes?, y sobre todo, ¿en una lucha a muerte con arma blanca cual saldría victoriosa?.
2 0 6 K -28 cultura
2 0 6 K -28 cultura
2 meneos
27 clics

Magento Web Design

Magento web design is used by thousand of online store owners every day because of its award winning features not only for merchandisers but it also easy navigate and dedicated product search for website visitors. Resource page provide information about magento web design and magento theme development. Also provide tips to select magento web design company and magento website designer in India and all over the world.
2 0 5 K -53
2 0 5 K -53
1 meneos
9 clics

Very small to large XXX L Website Design Packages !

All business Needs Website.Our small to Large xxxl Affordable Website design packages are....Home Page Design - Without Flash - Includes 1 Round of revisions $375 US,Home Page Design - Without Flash - Includes 1 Round of revisions $450 US with 2 Round .....
1 0 16 K -155
1 0 16 K -155
1 meneos
33 clics

Web Design Miami  

Web design services from expert web designer company Biz-Infotech in Miami. Quick and low cost logo design, flash design and web design solution offered by Biz-Info Tech. Contact us with your concept!
1 0 19 K -222
1 0 19 K -222
2 meneos
12 clics

Graphic Design Vancouer

Now days graphic design has become a big industry. You can find a lot of graphic designers around the globe, but if you are looking for high quality, reliable and affordable design services, then only Design crew is option for you. Because we have high skilled and professional level designers, to maintain quality.
1 1 13 K -178
1 1 13 K -178
2 meneos
8 clics

Web Design Galway

Web Design Galway is a web design company providing Web design, Ecommerce web design, CMS and mobile web design. Best website designers in Galway.
2 0 13 K -138
2 0 13 K -138
1 meneos
18 clics

Responsive UI Website Design and Development Service

Developing a cross-platform Mobile App can be costly and time consuming. We WebBleu are providing responsive UI Website design and development service for viewing your website in all types of the devices. We have experts staff for the UI Web Design, Responsive Website Development and we are most popular UI Design and development service provider IT Company.
1 0 13 K -142 tecnología
1 0 13 K -142 tecnología
1 meneos
4 clics
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Web Design Company in Pune

Aarna Systems Website Design and Development Company in Pune, India provides the most innovative and responsive website design with the best customizable web development and work constantly on unique designs to provide the best web design services for small as well as large enterprises to the success of any business. Also, helps small and the large business with all our Digital Marketing services like SEO, Social Media Tools, Paid Campaigns, Pay Per Click, Content Marketing and make sure that we convert your leads into customers.
2 meneos
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web design London

Codestar is ultimate resource based in London for web design London, SEO and graphic design company. if you are living in London and want to design your website then codestar is a best resource for that. You can also find search engine optimization services over here to promote your site.
2 0 2 K -5
2 0 2 K -5
2 meneos
76 clics

6 Things that make a Terrible Logo Design – Poor Work!

Here are 6 things that can make a terrible logo design. Avoid these logo design mistakes to save yourself from a poor logo.
1 1 8 K -83
1 1 8 K -83
1 meneos
7 clics
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Website Design in the UK is not Necessarily the Same as in the US

Differences in website design and hosting between the UK and USA don’t just cover financial factors, but also technological aspects. The bandwidth of the core network on which these services are provided can differ greatly. Where large areas of the USA can provide webhosting on a Fibre Optic wide area network, certain areas in the UK still utilise 56kbps dial up to access the internet. These technical factors can alter the work considerations of many website design UK companies as much as the financial factors involved with web design.
1 0 10 K -111
1 0 10 K -111
2 meneos
7 clics

Website Design: A Few Tips to Start the Process

For any business, website covers a major part of the overall marketing plan. The web design company who you are planning to hire to get your website developed should know at least some basic things about the business and understand when you tell them your business model.
1 1 2 K -11
1 1 2 K -11
1 meneos
5 clics

Web Design In Chennai

Our web design services are designed to suit the needs of our clients and at the same time keep the interests of the end user's at heart. We offer a broad range of web design services that project your business from the multitude of competitors. Our integrated services include but are not limited to; Web Design and Development, Branding, Superior GUI and Graphic Designs, E-commerce Portals.
1 0 5 K -48
1 0 5 K -48
1 meneos
10 clics

Things to remember before hiring a web design company

While hiring a web design company and choosing the right organization for developing your official website, then considering the portfolio and other important factors of a professional web design company will give a fair reflection of the web design projects and concepts of that particular organization.
1 0 15 K -184
1 0 15 K -184
5 meneos
235 clics
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Material Design 2: colores renovados y mejoras para pantallas táctiles en la nueva versión del diseño de Google  

Material Design fue presentado en 2014 junto a Android 5.0 Lollipop y se considera un punto de inflexión en la historia de este sistema operativo. Para quienes no lo conozcan, Material Design es el nombre que recibe el diseño de Google desarrollado por Matías Duarte. Ahora se está preparando una segunda versión de Material Design. Una renovación que llegaría cuatro años después de su presentación y aunque quizás menos ambiciosa, sí sería la consolidación de un diseño que ya se considera el estándar de Android.
1 meneos
30 clics
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Top 20 Web Design Trends For Every Entrepreneur To Look For In 2019

A website without a proper design is of no use. Take a look at the web design trends 2019 to see how your website needs to be optimized this year.
1 0 10 K -111 tecnología
1 0 10 K -111 tecnología
2 meneos

Ecommerce Web Design Company

Searching ecommerce web Design Company? Ecommerce web Design Company offers one-stop shop solution for all kind of ecommerce websites needs and requirements. Find professional web design Company in India. Get unique and original web designs from our ecommerce website design company.
1 1 15 K -134
1 1 15 K -134
1 meneos
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Web Design-Web Development-E-commerce Website-SEO Services-Web Experts

Web Design & Web Development Company, Web Experts Offering web design, web development, e-commerce website, web hosting, domain registration, internet marketing, search engine optimization / SEO services. Get ultimate solution for your online business
1 0 1 K -6
1 0 1 K -6
1 meneos
7 clics

Web Design in India, Website Development Services, Web Design Company in Delhi-Mumbai-India

Infotech Pvt.Ltd Sand Storm is professional Web Designing and SEO Services Company in India, Search Engine Optimization Consultants, Web Design in India, Website Design and Web Development Services Company in Delhi, India.
1 0 12 K -128
1 0 12 K -128
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