Seguridad Informatica

encontrados: 2, tiempo total: 0.003 segundos rss2
2 meneos
13 clics

Burp Suite Free + Professional v1.6

Burp Suite Free Edition contains significant new features added since v1.5, including:Support for WebSockets messages, support for PKCS#11 client SSL certificates contained in smart cards and physical tokens, a new Extender tool, allowing dynamic loading and unloading of multiple extensions,a new powerful extensibility API, enabling extensions to customize Burp's behavior in much more powerful ways, support for extensions written in Python and Ruby, and much more.
3 meneos
15 clics

Convirtiendo un Proxy en "Transparent Proxy"

En algunas ocasiones queremos utilizar de manera transparente un servidor proxy, ya sea para saltar un firewall o, simplemente, para enrutar por él determinadas conexiones o las conexiones de determinados usuarios o grupos.
