Noticias en Ingles

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Why You Should Care About Greece Again

Greece is headed for yet another political crisis. On Monday the Greek Parliament rejected the prime minister’s nominee for president, forcing the country into early general elections on Jan. 25. The fallout of this round of turmoil will be a critical sign of whether European leaders can hold on to power long enough to stay the course on the fiscal reforms needed to lift economies in the region. The upheaval comes just four years after the country accepted its first international bailout and almost single-handedly sent the global economy into a
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Open letter to the German readers: That which you were never told about Greece

Open letter to the German readers: That which you were never told about Greece

In 2010, the Greek state ceased to be able to service its debt. Unfortunately, European officials decided to pretend that this problem could be overcome by means of the largest loan in history on condition of fiscal austerity that would, with mathematical precision, shrink the national income from which both new and old loans must be paid. An insolvency problem was thus dealt with as if it were a case of illiquidity.
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Greek defense minister says Greece has Plan B if EU rigid on deal

reek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said that if Greece failed to get a new debt agreement with the euro zone, it could always look elsewhere for help.

"What we want is a deal. But if there is no deal - hopefully (there will be) - and if we see that Germany remains rigid and wants to blow apart Europe, then we have the obligation to go to Plan B. Plan B is to get funding from another source," he told Greek television show that ran in to early ..
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Greece to Seek $11.3 Billion in Financing to Avoid Funding Crunch
Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis will present a proposal at a Wednesday meeting of euro area finance ministers in Brussels that will ask for an 8 billion-euro increase in the stock of Treasury Bills the country is allowed, said a government official who asked not to be named as the negotiations are confidential.
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Greek unemployment steady at 25.8 pct in November

ATHENS, Feb 12 (Reuters) - Greece's jobless rate was steadyat 25.8 percent in November, the country's statistics agencyELSTAT said on Thursday, as the economy emerged from a six-yearrecession.November's
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Why No Deal on Greece is No Surprise Yet  

In Greece's negotiations with its creditors, both sides need to look like they've won.
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ECB policymakers hold teleconference about Greek bank liquidity

European Central Bank policymakers held a telephone conference on Thursday concerning the provision of Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) to banks in Greece, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
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Greece suffered 1 bln euro tax revenue shortfall in January

Greece's tax revenues fell 1 billion euros below the targeted level in January as Greeks held off on making tax payments ahead of a snap election on Jan. 25, the deputy finance minister told Reuters on Thursday.
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Germany's Schaeuble very sceptical about Greek debt talks

* Athens behaving quite irresponsibly, minister says* Schaeuble against deal just for the sake of a compromise (Adds more Schaeuble quotes, Austrian finance minister)By Michael NienaberBERLIN, Feb
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Greece rejects Eurogroup text, saying cannot accept bailout extension

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A Greek government official said that a draft text presented to euro zone finance ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday spoke of Greece extending its current bailout package and
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Collapse in Greek Eurozone talks fails to spook market

Despite talks between Greece’s finance ministers and those from the Eurozone collapsing last night, investors kept a cool head this morning.
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ECB to lend Greece 68.3 billion euros through emergency lending facility

The European Central Bank on Wednesday approved a request from Greece’s central bank to lend €68.3 billion ($77.8 billion) to its country’s banks through an emergency credit facility, a person familiar with the matter said.
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While you were sleeping: Greece to seek extension

Also firmly on the radar are the ongoing efforts between Greece and its international creditors to find agreement on conditions bailout the country's newly elected anti-austerity government is seeking to change. Greece's government said it will submit a request to the euro zone on Thursday to extend a "loan agreement" for up to six months, Reuters reported.
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Debt payment plan offers huge haircut

Ministry calculations show that out of the 76 billion euros of outstanding debts by taxpayers and corporations to the state, no more than 9 billion euros can actually be collected. Social security funds are anticipating a total of 1.2 billion euros from debt repayments this year thanks to the new plan, from total arrears of 20 billion euros.
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Germany stuns markets in rejecting Greek offer for bail-out extension

Syriza's proposal for extension of agreement is rejected as insufficient from
Germany before vital deadline day meeting tomorrow
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Greek leader welcomes existing Chinese investments in country

(Adds dropped letter from headline)ATHENS Feb 19 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras saidon Thursday that he believed Greece could be a significantcommercial gateway for China into Europe.Speaking
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Why Germany Rejected Greece's Peace Offering

From Germany's perspective, Greece still hasn't offered a real compromise." data-view-uid="0_7
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Greece Can Pay Its Debts in Full, But It Won’t

For Greece’s creditors, the signs aren’t propitious that Greece is willing to pay the political price needed to service its debts in full.
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Eurozone growth undeterred by concerns over Greece

An important survey of business owners has shown the eurozone economy gaining momentum even as finance chiefs wrangle over Greece's bailout program.
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Battle won, war ongoing: Greece takes ‘step backwards’ in bailout talks

world news - ‘We’ve won a battle, but not the war’ declares the Greek Prime Minister as a four-month loan extension looks set to keep the country afloat.
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Greek bailout extension receives mixed reactions across Europe

European leaders and media have responded with ambivalence to the four-month loan extensions agreed to by the bloc's foreign ministers. Athens, many have pointed out, still has promises to fulfill.
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Greek bailout: Athens reform plan delayed until Tuesday

Rolling reaction as the Greek government draws up economic reform proposals to satisfy its international creditors, amid tensions in Athens
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Syriza dumps Marx for Blair

In the short course of the latest Greek financial crisis, Syriza appears to have transformed itself from what in the UK would be seen as traditional leftists into Blairites.
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Greece Struggles to Get Citizens to Pay Their Taxes

The new Greek government, scrambling to secure another tranche of short-term funding, agreed to make tax collection a top priority as part of a reform plan. But prodding its citizens to pay up has long been one of the country’s most difficult challenges.
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Greece’s Financial Deal Ends in Protests

Downtown Athens, Greece has been overcome by fighting between police and protesters after an initial anti-government demonstration, following last month’s election when the nation’s far-left-minded Syriza political party assumed power in parliament. Scores of protesters threw gas-laden fire bombs and other debris at law enforcement officers and set fire to parked cars as the march advanced through
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