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Esta inteligencia artificial continúa cualquier texto que el usuario escriba [ENG]  

En este caso el usuario va improvisando las líneas de un pequeño guión, con la ayuda de la IA. La herramienta proporciona opciones con nuevas frases y situaciones, de entre las cuales el redactor elige una que luego puede modificar. Si queréis probar la herramienta aquí tenéis el enlace: writeup.ai/

| etiquetas: ia , ai , escritura , deep learning , aprendizaje profundo , redes neuronales
  1. @sacrew is looking the squirrel.

    "I think it's the best thing that ever happened to me," he said. "I'm looking forward
    to seeing what happens."

    The squirrel is also looking forward to the food.

    "I'm excited to get a piece of it," he said. "I'm going to eat it. I'm going to eat it now." The squirrel is not alone.

    "We're trying to raise awareness about the squirrels in the park," said Dr. John Miller, the park's director. "We want the squirrels to know that they're not alone, that there are people out there that care about them."

    The squirrels will be fed a variety of foods, including :

    -Nutritious ground beef, including ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground turkey, ground

    Aquí ya se quedó pillado. No he conseguido llevarlo exactamente por el camino que quería pero no está mal...  media
  2. #1 Es genial. Lo del ground turkey da un poco de mal rollo en plan replicante.
  3. Quiero escribir una novela de cuatrocientas páginas, pero no tengo temática, ni una historia, ni personajes, ni worldbildin, etc Si una IA me hiciera todo eso yo ya podría empezar a escribir en condiciones.
  4. Pues es una idea cojonuda. Así podremos tener a miles de personas convencidas de ser los únicos autores de la misma novela. Y ya sólo les faltará plantar un hijo y tener un pino... o plantar un pino... bueno, qué más da, lo que diga el próximo aieigüebsait.
  5. Como te vayas al porno... lo que recita... :popcorn:
  6. Right now I'm eating.

    I don't know what to say.
    I can't stop looking at him.
    I want to.

    Que querrá de él?
  7. #1 Lo he intentado yo también, este ha sido mi resultado hasta que entró en barrena:
    The squirrel in black tape was lying on the floor, dry and dead. The pervert Sacreew +

    was holding the corpse of the monkey, which was covered in blood.

    "I saw the monkey," said the pervert, "and I saw the black tape, and I saw the black tape, and I saw the monkey."

    " What happened?" asked the boy.

    "I saw the monkey, and I saw the black tape, and I saw the monkey."

    "What happened?"

    "I saw the monkey, and I saw the black tape, and I saw the monkey."

    "What happened?"

    "I saw the monkey, and I saw the black tape
  8. #1 Y esta me ha quedado perfecta:

    The pervert Sacreew and the dead squirrel.

    A few years later, a friend of mine, a man who is very much into the occult, asked me if I knew where I could find a dead squirrel. I told him, "Well, I've got a dead squirrel in my backyard."

    He said, "That's a pretty big deal, isn't it?" And I said, " Well, it's a big deal, but it's not the big deal that you think it is."

    He said, "Well, I'm not going to get the squirrel."

    I said, "Well, that's okay. I'll get it. I'll get it."

    He said, "Well, I'll get it. But I'm going to get it in a different way."

    I said, "Well, that's fine. But I'm not going to get it in a different way."

    He said, "Well, I'll get it in a different way. I'm going to get it in a different way."

    I said, "Well, that's fine.
  9. Okay, so I heard there's this new book out called "The Great American Novel." It's about the great American novel, and it's about how people write the great American novel. I was reading it and I was like, "I can't believe there's this book about the great American novel." Well, it's called "The Great American Novel" by the way.

    So I'm like, "Oh, this is a book about the great American novel, I can't believe this book is about the great American novel." And I was like, "Well, it's about the great American novel, and it's about how people write the great American novel." I was reading it and I was like, "I can't believe there's this book about the great American novel. Well, it's called "The Great American Novel" by the way."


    La IA viene pisando fuerte xD
  10. #3 Métete en el enlace, escribe "It was a dark and stormy night" y a partir de ahí pincha en opciones aleatoriamente hasta llegar a las 400 páginas ;)
  11. #10 gracias, ahí voy! :-)
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