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Miles de personas protestan en Malmö contra la participación de Israel horas antes de la final de Eurovisión 2024

Miles de personas protestan en Malmö contra la participación de Israel horas antes de la final de Eurovisión 2024

Movilización multitudinaria en la ciudad que alberga Eurovisión 2024 para reclamar la exclusión de Israel del festival.

| etiquetas: malmö , israel , palestina , manifestación , eurovision
  1. Antisemite Orthodox Jew Detected!  media
  2. Amedrentar, acoso, amenazas, burlas, bulos y sensacionalismo. Eso es lo que Israel está haciendo con todo el que ejerza libertad de expresión.

    Además, al parecer ha habido reuniones de crisis con varios países, no solo con Países Bajos.

    Eurovision 2024: EBU in “Crisis Meetings” with Several Countries

    Reports suggest the European Broadcasting Union has been in a range of “crisis meetings” with several participating countries in the past 24 hours.

    SVT, the Swedish broadcaster, has reported that the EBU are currently holding a meeting with the Dutch delegation over their strong reaction to Joost Klein’s disqualification earlier today.

    However, a report from Norwegian newspaper VG suggests that the Netherlands isn’t the only country having talks with the EBU.

    The newspaper has cited sources which state that four countries threatened to withdraw from the Eurovision Song Contest on Friday night. These countries were Ireland, Portugal, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, and talks reportedly extended long into the night.


    Just hours before the highly anticipated grand final, the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 is in a state of flux, with Ireland reportedly absent from the dress rehearsal on Saturday afternoon in Malmö, Sweden.

    Ireland, along with Greece and Switzerland, did not appear during the parade at the start of the Family Rehearsal, which allows younger viewers to attend.

    Bambie Thug, representing Ireland this year, was a no-show on stage, even for the presentation of their song.

    Bambie Thug cited a situation requiring “urgent attention” from the organisers as the reason for their absence, and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has acknowledged the seriousness of the matter, currently discussing the necessary actions.

    A spokesperson for the EBU stated to skynews.com, “We are looking into the matter.”

    As Eurovision fans eagerly await the grand final, this unexpected turn of events has added to the suspense, with Bambie Thug’s absence and the official exclusion of Joost Klein from the Netherlands disrupting the usual proceedings.

    Greece and Switzerland were also absent from the initial parade but later appeared and performed their songs as planned.

    France stops performance midway to send peace message

    Meanwhile, according to Sky News, French act Slimane stopped his performance mid-way through and said repeatedly: “United by music yes, but for love, for peace”.

    He was referring to the competition’s official slogan: “United By Music.”

    His chant appeared to be met with a loud round of applause in the auditorium.

  3. Mis diez.
  4. Espero que está edición sea la menos vista de la historia, que tomen nota los anunciantes y seguidores y que esto sea el principio del final del festival.
  5. Joer! cómo está Rusia.
  6. #2 a mi mujer de momento le ha servido para enterarse que Moroccanoil es israelí y decidir dejar de comprarlo
  7. #3 Al grito de ¡antisemita! es sionista genocida confirmado.
  8. #2 lo que va a ser un festival van a ser las votaciones, ahí si que se van a ver los amiguismos... y las protestas
  9. #4 La representante de Portugal ha debido de vestirse un atuendo palestino para el ensayo. Desde luego a falta de 1 hora y poco hay bastante lio.
  10. #8 ahora es cuando gana Israel :shit:
  11. Los de Eurovisión son unos cracks del marketing
  12. #9 puede ser, si el resto de paises deciden retirarse... lo que sería interesante.
  13. #14 un buen giro de guión
  14. Con la publicidad que han hecho del festival, este será más famoso que antes.
  15. Eurogenocidio
  16. Pues capaces son de ganar :troll:
  17. #1 los votantes, la gente real que ha votado a Israel tenía una opinión diferente que los 4 motivados que hacen un poco de ruido
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