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96 clics
Alzheimer's breakthrough: Scientists may have found potential cause of the disease in the behaviour of immune cells

Alzheimer's breakthrough: Scientists may have found potential cause of the disease in the behaviour of immune cells

Scientists have broken new ground in the search for an Alzheimer’s cure, discovering a new potential cause of the disease, which it may be possible to target with drug treatments.

| etiquetas: alzheimer , breakthrough , inmunne cells , potential cure
It sounds quite promising but I'm not sure the expectation to put into this kind of news anymore. I hope the day there is a real treatment discovered they will make it to the main news in every channel.
#1 I agree with you but in this case it's not about a treatment but the potential cause. With the cause, the researchers would have more clues to find a cure.
You really guys are gotta be kidding with alzheimer...are you nuts or something?
I agree about this day not sure, the anymore expectation treatment cry gotta be Alzheimer, scientists have cure, realy? Make it.
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