English News
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How to spend time during your coronavirus quarantine and (actually enjoy it)

In many countries, government are placing policies around traveling, working remotely or even leaving your home. While Wuhan was the first place suffering this new type of restrictions, people around the world are increasingly being temporarily forced to stay at home. Here is a list of things that you can do to enjoy your coronavirus quarantine (AKA: mandatory staycation)
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Why Western Media Ignore OPCW Scandal

he credibility of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is on the line after a series of devastating leaks from whistleblowers has shown that the UN body distorted an alleged CW incident in Syria in 2018. The distortion by the OPCW of the incident suggests that senior directors at the organization were pressured into doing so by Western governments
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France proposes upload filter law, “forgets” user rights

France’s implementation proposal is important to follow wherever you are in the EU, because it likely marks the worst-case scenario of how Article 17 could unfold if rightsholders get their way. Given that the French government has been the mouthpiece of the entertainment industry throughout the negotiations, perhaps one should not be surprised that it tries to interpret the new rules in the way most favorable to rightsholders.
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Greece, Cyprus and Egypt outraged by Libyan-Turkish maritime bord

Greece, Cyprus and Egypt have denounced an agreement between Turkey and Libya to delineate maritime boundaries between them, saying it disregards their rights in the Mediterranean.
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Texas Voters Ban State Income Taxes. Again

Some 76 percent of Texas voters approved a constitutional amendment that prohibits the state from imposing any income tax.
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Macron: 'No escape' for Google from French copyright law

Google cannot escape French law obliging the US online giant to pay royalties to media outlets for displaying their articles, pictures and videos in search results, French President Emmanuel Macron said Friday.
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Computing takes a quantum leap forward

Today, the scientific journal Nature has published the results of Google’s efforts to build a quantum computer that can perform a task no classical computer can; this is known in the field as “quantum supremacy.” In practical terms, our chip, which we call Sycamore, performed a computation in 200 seconds that would take the world’s fastest supercomputer 10,000 years.
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US Task Force Smoking Gun smuggles weapons to Syria: Serbia files

New leaked documents expose for the first time a secret US Special Operations Command unit code named Task Force Smoking Gun. It has been deployed in Croatia since 2017 and tasked with diverting tons of arms and ammunition from Europe to Syria.
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German Lenders Pass Pain of Negative Rates to Retail Clients

A growing number of German banks are passing on negative interest rates to their retail customers as the costs become too high to bear on their own.
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Barr Pushes Facebook for Access to WhatsApp Messages

The Justice Department has renewed its fight for access to encrypted communications, arguing that it is a vital crime-fighting tool even as technology companies and advocates have countered that it will threaten individual privacy.
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EU brings in 'right to repair' rules for appliances

From 2021, firms will have to make appliances longer-lasting, and they will have to supply spare parts for machines for up to 10 years.
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The U.S. Exports More Oil Than Saudi Arabia

The U.S. briefly became the world’s No. 1 oil exporter as record shale production found its way to global customers, and there are prospects for more.
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China Scraps Foreign Investment Limits in Stock, Bond Markets

China removed one more hurdle for foreign investment into its capital markets almost 20 years after it first allowed access.
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Google Has My Dead Grandpa’s Data And He Never Used The Internet

The data wasn't manually entered manually by me or anyone using my account, but yet the data is associated with my account? How did that happen?
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Trump praises Germany’s negative yields but doesn’t mention that its bond sale failed

President Trump tweeted some praise for Germany in its sale of no-interest bonds on Wednesday. The president didn’t mention that Germany failed to sell more than half the 2 billion euros in 30-year debt, and the Bundesbank had to buy the balance.
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Amazon is passing along costs of a new digital tax to thousands of French sellers

Amazon is raising seller fees by 3% for thousands of small and medium-sized businesses in France because of a new digital tax passed by the French government.
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Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, 66, commits suicide in his Manhattan jail cell

Jeffrey Epstein has committed suicide inside his New York City jail cell.
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FBI Releases Master Decryption Keys for GandCrab Ransomware

On June 1st, 2019, the developers behind the wildly successful GandCrab Ransomware announced that they were closing shop after allegedly amassing $2 billion in ransom payments and personally earning $150 million.
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Italy seizes 'combat-ready' missile in raids on far right

Some of the groups investigated in Italy are said to be linked to militia units in eastern Ukraine.
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EU's GPS satellites have been down for four days in mysterious outage

EU's Galileo global navigation satellite system nears 100 hours of downtime.
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German privacy commissioners ban Windows 10 and Office 365 in schools

Microsoft has once again run afoul of the GDPR rules in Germany, with the Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information in the German state Hesse, declaring that Windows 10 and Office 365 is not compliant with the GDPR for use in schools.
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Former Tesla employee admits uploading Autopilot source code to his iCloud

Guangzhi Cao, a former engineer at Tesla, admitted in a court filing this week that he uploaded zip files containing Autopilot source code to his personal iCloud account in late 2018 while still working for the company. Tesla sued Cao earlier this year for allegedly stealing trade secrets related to Autopilot and bringing them to Chinese EV startup Xiaopeng Motors, also known as Xmotors or XPeng, which is backed by tech giant Alibaba.
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Large Turkish commando convoy deploys to Idlib border amid reports of new Syrian Army offensive

A large Turkish military convoy reportedly deployed to the border of northwestern Syria last night
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More than 1,000 Android apps harvest data even after you deny permissions

The apps gather information such as location, even after owners explicitly say no. Google says a fix won’t come until Android Q
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Trump 'favored-nation' drug pricing order could hammer profits

President Trump. is potentially seeking to require that drugmakers. sell medicine in the U.S. at the lowest cost offered elsewhere in the world, a move that would have a radical effect. on the industry and deepen the dispute between pharmaceutical firms and the administration over rising treatment prices.
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Norway ex-minister Svein Ludvigsen guilty of sexually abusing asylum seekers

Svein Ludvigsen is jailed for offering housing and jobs to three young men in exchange for sex
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New draft law in Romania obliges children to provide financial support to their parents

The bill says that the working children aged over 18 are obliged to provide maintenance and care for their parents who can’t work, are in difficulty and require material support.
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Scientists discover toxic substances including LEAD in beer and wine bottles

Research found that the decorations and writing on glass bottles of beer, wine and spirits can contain dangerously high levels of toxic substances such as lead and cadmium
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Berlin Brandenburg: The airport with half a million faults

Billions over budget, years late in opening, and still being rebuilt before a single plane has landed. What's gone so wrong at the new Berlin airport?
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Labour market shortages take their toll on Central Eastern European economies

The labour market in Central Eastern Europe is continuing to tighten despite a worldwide economic slowdown, with unemployment below 4% in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland and 5.7% in Slovakia.
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U.S. May Outlaw Messaging Encryption Used By WhatsApp, iMessage And Others, Report

End-to-end encrypted messaging is a major issue for law enforcement—as the world shifts from easy to crack (for governments) cellular SMS messaging to various flavors of IP messaging, such as WhatsApp, iMessage, Signal and Wickr, governments are exploring their options. The challenge is that such services are provided by technology companies, mostly based in the U.S., making them to a large extent out of reach from lawmakers elsewhere.
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Snipers testify that Navy SEAL shot young girl and old man in Iraq

The trial of decorated Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher continued on Friday, with DNA experts and military snipers taking the stand to talk about the evidence against him
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U.S. Wants Allies to Help Keep Oil Lanes Open

Top Trump administration officials signaled the U.S. didn’t intend to assume sole responsibility for safeguarding tankers in the Persian Gulf after attacks Washington blames on Iran, because America has become less dependent on oil supplies from the region.
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U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia’s Power Grid - The New York Times

The Trump administration is using new authority to take more aggressive digital action in a warning to Moscow and in a demonstration of its abilities.
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Paris opens a data center to control its digital infrastructure

The city of Paris is doing something I didn’t expect — they’re launching their own data center to host their digital services. The data center is going to be operated by city employees, so Paris plans to control their digital destiny from end to end.
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Huawei reviewing FedEx relationship, says packages 'diverted'

Huawei told Reuters on Friday that FedEx diverted two packages sent from Japan and addressed to Huawei in China to the United States, and attempted to divert two more packages sent from Vietnam to Huawei offices elsewhere in Asia, all without authorization, providing images of FedEx tracking records.
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Ecuador hands over Julian Assange's belongings to US

Ecuador has begun giving the US some of Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange's possessions left behind following his stay in its London embassy.
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Spain defends decision to pull frigate from US combat group headed for Gulf

Spain’s acting defense minister, Margarita Robles, said on Tuesday that the Spanish frigate Méndez Núñez has been pulled out of a US-led naval group in the Persian Gulf because American authorities have changed the original mission.
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Exclusive: Amazon rolls out machines that pack orders and replace jobs

The company started adding technology to a handful of warehouses in recent years, which scans goods coming down a conveyor belt and envelops them seconds later in boxes custom-built for each item, two people who worked on the project told Reuters. Amazon has considered installing two machines at dozens more warehouses, removing at least 24 roles at each one, these people said. These facilities typically employ more than 2,000 people.
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British Politicians Declare War on Knives

Having failed to thwart crime with gun bans, British officials now want to restrict what may be the most useful tool ever invented.
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This Conversation Between A Passenger And An Airline Should Absolutely Terrify You

A conversation between a passenger and an airline has gone viral, largely because people find it intensely creepy.
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Seeds Sown for Major Transatlantic Trade War Starting in May

Trump wants a trade treaty with the EU to include agriculture
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The EU's False Terrorist Takedown Requests Remind Us Why Bad Internet Legislation Is So Dangerous

The EU’s demands on behalf of a member state for the Internet Archive to delete its primary indexes of hundreds of years of science, mathematics, medicine, history and scholarship reminds us how dangerous bad internet laws can be.
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Seastead couple in crosshairs

The Third Naval Area Command has filed a police complaint against an American man and his Thai wife who set up a floating living platform 12 nautical miles off the coast of Phuket, a practice also known as seasteading.
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Basel III And Gold: Rocket Fuel Added For Gold's Next Takeoff

El oro pasa de ser considerado categoria 3 y valorado solo al 50% a ser considerado categoria 1 y valorado al 100%
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Years of Mark Zuckerberg's old Facebook posts have vanished. The company says it 'mistakenly deleted' them

On multiple occassions, years-old public posts made by the 34-year-old billionaire chief executive that were previously public and reported on by news outlets at the time have since vanished, Business Insider has found. That includes all of the posts he made during 2007 and 2008.
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Venezuela returns to 'Middle Ages' during power outages

Walking for hours, making oil lamps, bearing water. For Venezuelans today, suffering under a new nationwide blackout that has lasted days, it's like being thrown back to life centuries ago.
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Royal wedding 'zombies' lose human rights case

Protesters lose a legal challenge against pre-emptive arrests during the royal wedding in 2011
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os mola los links que pongo aqui?

ni idea de como va eso de los articulos xD
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Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill

Missouri may have just made the most monumental step towards freedom and individual liberty since the signing of the Bill of Rights. In an upcoming vote by Missouri’s state senate, the state is expected to pass a bill that would nullify ALL Federal gun laws and regulations, and make enforcement of those laws by federal officers within the State of Missouri a criminal offense. Republicans control both U.S. Senate seats and more than two-thirds of the seats in both the Missouri House and Senate.
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