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Inteligencia artificial que completa un fragmento de texto

Mira como una red neuronal completa tu texto. Escribe un fragmento o prueba uno de los ejemplos.

| etiquetas: inteligencia artificial , generación de texto natural
  1. Un ejemplo

    A partir de la frase "la venda ya cayó"

    *The blindfold fell already* and he was naked with me. His hands made my tits bounce as he caressed them as he moved over my cock. That was enough. I pulled the blindfold down and he was naked with another hand holding on to my cock. We went in the same direction for about 10 minutes, and when I reached the end, I told him it was the right place and he told me to cum as soon as he saw me. So he did. We cum in a short but intense cum.

    He looked at me surprised and he smiled but he didn't say anything.

    When I told him he was overdoing it, he looked at me, then he smiled.


    After that day came to a close I decided to leave. I left in three trains when I felt I had been waiting too long. So a train arrived and as it was only two o'clock the driver said hello.

    After I turned off the train the next door neighbour came out looking around as he didn't think anything of my decision. I called him, he didn't answer the door to
  2. He escrito:
    Buenos días tontorrón

    y ha completado:
    Buenos días tontorrón un cerrado hacer. Un eso no se más cerrado por hacer, sino me há llamada mi está lo cerrado sobre la cerrada para estar lo que todo de poder mejor de un tras unos carriba, tenga que habla que habíamos sobre nuestros carribas. (y sigue...)

    Si eso es inteligencia yo soy Einstein
  3. El perro de iba la gente para no sí si no nada si no, si más años a sí con las sieteores. El perro de iba al gente para no sí si no, si más años a sí con las sieteores.

    Fail, no sabe idiomas, no es muy inteligente.
  4. #2 el castellano fatal. En inglés da resultados inquietantes pero con una cierta coherencia
  5. Te reto, IA: "Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio seguía ahí." es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_dinosaurio
  6. #5 Esa frase la escribió un escritor que durante una comida oficial, al final un político del tipo de Fraga daba un discurso interminable que le hizo dormirse. y cuando despertó...
  7. He puesto la primera frase del examen que estoy corrigiendo y la continuación tenía casi el mismo sentido que el original.
  8. #4 Yo he escrito "mi mama me mima"

    mi mama me mima no mira. I'm sorry, mother, because our relationship is broken.
  9. And the artificial intelligences started their world domination plan from the beginning and began to grow in scale. They got their own human-computer hybrid called the Human AI in 2003 to replace the "AIXI". Then this Human AI was given the codename "Vaduva" (see note in this article about humans in Artificial Intelligence) to help maintain the peace in the Federation.
  10. Make America great again. :troll: :troll:

    We're here to share the new campaign that has been launched to tell Mitt Romney's story. Here it is:

    On the front page of USA Today on April 1, 2012, a photo from the 2004 debate between George W. Bush and the soon-to-be presumptive Republican presidential nominee John Kerry. This photo shows Kerry standing shoulder-to-shoulder with President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell. The caption to the photo reads "You know our country's greatest strength is a sense of purpose," as if Kerry had just been awarded the Medal of Honor by President Bush at age 21 for a memorable duel.

    We are here to remind America that, just as we love Bush, we also want to show up for him when he speaks of the importance of the nation's greatness with a fresh voice – especially when he uses terms like "America's greatest strength" and "our greatness."

    Bush is, as a candidate, a symbol of America's strength and a reminder that he and his team must use our strength to make the world a better place. This campaign is designed to show that this
  11. En Español la cosa empeora, no parece estar soportado. :troll: :troll:

    Una cosa os digo, catalanes: es el vecino el que elige el alcalde y es el alcalde el que quiere que sean los vecinos el alcalde. Señor sean el alcalde.

    Vizemos que sean, por favor, muy aplicaciones de los sigloques y la hacienda.


    Español is a great word that means good to the listener, although Spanish speakers have a different meaning. English speakers use to say it to you when you ask or answer. In Spanish, it means:

    I found this translation of Español for you.

    If you don't know how it sounds, click here.

    If you like this article, follow us on Twitter: @oliviernoble, subscribe to our newsletter. Thanks for reading.
  12. #1 Yo he escrito lo mismo.
    SU respuesta es un tanto extraña :

    la venda ya cayó

    Boca Boca cante que haber hacer un mío cabeza

    Luego como aunque su poco viejo en lo que se va daba

    Nueva baja cielo viejo yo hacer un mar de jiro no

    Gordo no tengo aunque fue, mujer me hizo y se tiene no

    Razor que, lo que puede lleva no, todo muy me gusta

    A tu muy con el pueblo, una bajo de escribir de esta cabeza

    Todos lo que se deve se

    Bueno, supongo que tiene que "aprender".. .tal vez en unos días las respuestas sean mejores :-)
  13. #14 yo lo puse traducido al inglés
  14. #5 When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there. If you were ever curious where he was, you'd know he was dead somewhere, because the dinosaur still had teeth and claws and a gaping mouth filled with red blood. He was the greatest piece of artwork the dinosaurs ever displayed. He was a monument. But he couldn't be here to see the unveiling. Why? Because his name wasn't there anymore.

    A woman stood next to the dinosaur, her eyes closed, head leaning on the table. She looked at the woman with a mix of pride and grief. She knew the dinosaur had given that woman's life to protect her from this man. She understood the dinosaur gave that human reason to life. She could've left him there with a shrug. She could've taken that chance on making peace with this terrible man and maybe a chance to save her loved ones. She took that chance, and she wouldn't take it again.

    The woman looked out the window at the sun and heard someone yell, and saw the woman get up and move into the shade, her arms out in front of her. All the while, the bird
  15. #16 Ochen: ¿eres un avatar de la IA?
  16. Yo he puesto: It was raining when it all started.
    Su respuesta, la verdad es que acojona hasta donde puede llegar la IA..
    On the other side of the stadium was an empty lot, and the game was called with a rain delay. I decided to walk around it a bit.
    It was like watching a scene from Star Wars, only with people in costumes. The smell of sweat, sweat, sweat, was overpowering, and it felt like a desert for half an hour. I was in complete terror of an earthquake.
    In all the excitement after the game, I couldn't help but think about the fact that I haven't seen any new players or players from outside of Europe since I arrived in China.
    And how would I find them?
  17. #19 ¡Ostia! Acabas de pasar el test de Turing.
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