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  1. @DanielTejedor

    1- “Patients underwent 2 to 4 hours of therapy weekly ... At the end of the study period of 15 months, patients had received from 90 to 210 hours of psychotherapy (mean 129 hours, standard deviation 37)”. ¿Esto es comparable?

    “Psychotherapy formally qualified as psychodynamic on the basis of two criteria… Adherence to these principles was assured by a regular case-discussion group led by one co-author (GB) in which all participating therapists presented their patients and interventions” Protocolo de tratamiento no estandarizado y totalmente subjetivo.

    2- “After scanning, participants filled out a questionnaire that asked to rate on a 7-point Likert scale the degree of emotional arousal and relevance of the personally related sentences". En este cuestionario no validado se basa buena parte de la metodología del estudio.

    Sigo en la próxima respuesta.
