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  1. @Adson @GPR0

    Creo que, sobre este tema, son recomendables dos escritos de Susan Sontag que tengo pendientes...

    - La enfermedad y sus metáforas
    - El SIDA y sus metáforas
  1. @nilien, no sabía de estos, pero me gustó el del dolor de los demás. Añadidos a mi quilométrica lista.

    1. @Adson Algo que Sontag trata es lo de buscar "culpables" como una reacción a la enfermedad, ya sea culparte a ti mismo, a otros, considerar que otros son culpables por enfermar, etc.

      De hecho, he leído la entrevista a Sontag en Rolling Stone en la que habla de "La enfermedad y sus metáforas", y ahí hay cosas que prefiguran las reacciones al SIDA:


      By the way, there’s one metaphor that I left out of the book. In the modern period, the things attributed to TB have been split off — the positive, romantic things being assigned to mental illness and all the negative things to cancer. But there is an intermediate metaphor, one that had a career as interesting as that of TB, and that is syphilis, because syphilis did have a positive side. Syphilis was not only something laden with a sense of guilt because of its association with illicit sexual activity and because it was so feared and so highly moralized. It was also attached to mental illness. It is, in a way, the missing link between TB and what happened in the split: mental illness on one side and cancer on the other.
