edición general
  1. @trylks Respecto a la conciliación con el sueño de un bebé, nada como la Nota de aplicación de Jim Williams, que en paz descanse. Un genio de la electrónica y un humor magistral. www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/application-notes/an45

    The circuits in this collection represent our efforts, which stopped when he (more or less) began sleeping through the night. Most of the breadboarding occurred between feedings, with design reviews and discussions during feedings. As such, the circuits are annotated with the number of feedings required for their completion; e.g., a “3-bottle circuit” took three feedings. The circuit’s degree of difficulty, and Michael’s degree of cooperation, combined to determine the bottle rating, which is duly recorded in each figure.

    @DavidElNoHomo @limoncio @antiboise @dunachio   media
