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Detenido Al Gore III a 160Km/h con marihuana y medicamentos sin receta

Inglés. El hijo de Al Gore ha sido detenido conduciendo a alta velocidad y en posesión de multitud de drogas: marihuana, Vicodin (hidrocodona), Xanax (alprazolam), Adderall (anfetamina) y Valium (diazepam). Fue liberado tras pagar una fianza de 20.000 dólares. Al menos conducía un Toyota Prius :P

| etiquetas: al gore , marihuana , droga , vicodin , anfetamina , toyota , prius
31 11 5 K 238 mnm
31 11 5 K 238 mnm
  1. Vicodin? Emulando al Dr House?
  2. Si hubiera sido el hijo de algún político del PP, esto habría sido una conspiración para distraernos y no asumir responsabilidades por el fallido proceso de paz...
  3. Me recuerda Srek 2:
    _ "¿Qué es esto?...mmm ¡gatoína!"
    Creo que lo prohíben todo, para que así, cuando una persona es molesta al sistema, van por ella o por su familia.
  4. #1 Tubo un accidente de coche grave y posiblemente tenga que tomarlo por eso recalcan "Sin receta medica". Al igual
    que la maria que puede ser para uso medicinal, rompió las piernas, páncreas y hígado.

    De todos modos no es la primera vez :

    In August 2000, Gore III charged with reckless driving and speeding for driving 97 MPH in a 55mph speed zone. He was fined $125 for speeding and driving privileges in the state of North Carolina were suspended. The reckless driving charges were later dropped.[1]

    In September 2002, he was ticketed for driving under the influence by military police just outside Fort Myer in suburban Virginia. He was not taken into custody.[1][5][6]

    On December 19, 2003, Gore was arrested and charged with marijuana possession in Bethesda, Maryland. He was pulled over because he was driving without having his headlights on. A plea deal was reached in February 2004 and he was sentenced to a substance abuse program.[7][8]

    Jill Lawrence, a journalist with USA Today[9], and Bill Turque, a journalist with the Washington Post,[10] have reported that in 1996, when Gore was 13 years old, he was suspended from St. Albans, a private school in Washington, D.C., for smoking marijuana during a school dance. Turque, in his biography of Al Gore entitled Inventing Al Gore, also reported that Al and Tipper Gore contacted news outlets right after the incident and asked them not to publish the story and "all complied."[1][11]

    At 2:15 am on July 4, 2007, Gore was arrested in Laguna Hills in Orange County, California for speeding over 100 m.p.h. in a Toyota Prius.[12] Gore admitted to recently smoking marijuana and was found to be in possession of a small amount of marijuana along with Xanax, Valium, Vicodin, Adderall, and Soma. Police reported that Gore had no prescriptions for the pharmaceuticals.[13
  5. JODO! un Prius a 160Km/h!
    No sabia yo que ese coche diera para tanto!
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