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Dos senadores piden el retiro de Tesla por sus malas políticas empresariales

Dos senadores piden responsabilidades a la compañía de Elon Musk.Hay que echar un poco la vista atrás para entender la historia.Hace unos días un famoso periódico americano publicaba los resultados de una larga investigación sobre las actividades de Tesla.Los encargados del trabajo aseguraron que Tesla estaba incurriendo en malas prácticas empresariales al haberse detectado fallos en varios componentes de fábrica.En muchas ocasiones la compañía obligaba a los clientes a correr con el gasto de la reparación cuando no tendría que haber sido así.

| etiquetas: tesla , eeuu , elon musk , reuters
  1. Creo que el bueno de Javier Gómara de motor.es se ha venido un poco arriba.
  2. OG (ING): www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/two-us-senators-call-tes

    Exclusive: Two US senators call for Tesla recalls after Reuters investigation
    Two U.S. senators have written to Elon Musk, Tesla’s top executive, calling on him to “swiftly” recall any steering and suspension parts that pose a safety risk.
    The letter cites “an alarming” Reuters investigation published on December 20 that exposed how Tesla has blamed drivers for frequent failures of components it has long known were defective.
    “We write with extreme concern following recent reporting about Tesla’s knowledge of safety flaws in its vehicles and concealment of the causes of these flaws from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,” states the letter, which is signed by Senators Richard Blumenthal, of Connecticut, and Edward J. Markey, of Massachusetts.
    The senators call on Musk to correct “apparent false and misleading representations” made to the safety agency.
    The Reuters report found that Tesla told NHTSA and customers that the frequent failures of defective parts in its electric vehicles were caused by driver “abuse,” such as hitting a curb. In 2020, Tesla gave that explanation in a letter to the safety agency explaining why it would not recall a suspension part called the aft link in the United States, despite having just recalled it in China.
    Tesla documents reviewed by Reuters show the automaker’s engineers for years tracked frequent failures of aft links and other suspension, steering and axle parts, often on relatively new cars. The company instructed its service managers to tell customers that the parts were not faulty as it struggled to contain soaring warranty costs, the records reviewed by Reuters show.
    “We are disturbed that you would blame your customers for these failures,” stated the letter from Blumenthal and Markey, both Democrats. “It is unacceptable that Tesla would not only attempt to shift the responsibility for the substandard quality of its vehicles to the people purchasing them, but also make that same flawed argument to NHTSA.”
    Musk and Tesla did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the senators’ letter.
    After this article was published, Tesla posted a response to the Reuters investigation on Musk’s social media platform, X, formerly known as Twitter. The automaker said the article’s headline – “Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were

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  3. Tesla estás ganando... advirtieron
  4. "Estalla la guerra en Estados Unidos"
    Veo el titular un poco flojo. Hubiese sido más acertado titular la noticia así: "Brutal apocalipsis en los EE.UU". :roll:
  5. Espera a que empiezen con los cohetes de feria...
  6. #4 Todo el mundo esperaba que la guerra civil fuera entre demócratas y republicanos.. lo que nadie esperaba era que los Tesla se alzarán a las órdenes del Dios Emperador Musk mientras los drones de Starlink bombardeaban las ciudades.
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