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El mal adiestramiento de los 'pitbull' explica que causen más muertes de personas [107]

  1. it bull terriers and their close mixes make up only about 5% of the total U.S. dog population. Animal control shelters, with the primary responsibility for responding to “dangerous dog” calls, made up 60% of the survey base and held 23% pit bulls.
    Pit bulls are noteworthy on the chart above for attacking adults almost as
    frequently as children. This is a very rare pattern: children are normally at greatest risk from dogbite (...) far less inhibition about attacking people who are larger than they are. They are also notorious for attacking seemingly without warning (...)
    Any law strong enough and directed enough to prevent the majority of lifethreatening dog attacks must discriminate heavily against pit bulls, Rottweilers, wolf hybrids, and perhaps Akitas and chows, who are not common breeds but do seem to be involved in disproportionate numbers of life-threatening attacks. Such discrimination will never be popular with the owners of these breeds, especially those who believe their dogs are neither dangerous nor likely to turn dangerous without strong provocation.

    Nada más que disir, señoría.

    Votos negativos de canis estultos abajo.


    #73 Oh, que deliciosamente demagógico. Ahí va otra foto.  media
