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  1. @DanielTejedor

    “To verify that the areas detected by the interaction were related with changes in depressive symptoms, we regressed changes in the signal of the contrast personally relevant vs. neutral on the improvement in BDI scores, adjusting for initial levels to avoid confounding for initial severity. In the hippocampal/amygdalar cluster, the association was only at trend level… A stronger association was found in the ventral ACC…. In the medial prefrontal cortex the association between the interaction effect and clinical response was not significant” “there was no significant association between GSI improvement and the change in the contrast signal in the hippocampal/amygdalar cluster. However, a significant association was found in the ventral ACC cluster”

    Solo encuentran una asociación entre área que responde y puntuaciones del BDI y GSI, por lo que quizá los cambios se deben a aspectos no relacionados con la depresión o el tratamiento.
