edición general
  1. @dseijo Se agradecería que explicases esto o si es falso:

    As sharing snippets of news articles is specifically excluded from the scope of the directive, it can continue exactly as before. However, the directive also contains provisions to avoid news aggregators abusing this. The ‘snippet’ can therefore continue to appear in a Google News newsfeeds, for example, or when an article is shared on Facebook, provided it is “very short”.

    Uploading protected works for quotation, criticism, review, caricature, parody or pastiche has been protected even more than it was before, ensuring that memes and Gifs will continue to be available and shareable on online platforms.

    Many online platforms will not be affected

    The text also specifies that uploading works to online encyclopedias in a non-commercial way, such as Wikipedia, or open source software platforms, such as GitHub, will automatically be excluded from the scope of this directive. Start-up platforms will be subject to lighter obligations than more established ones.

  1. @pert0 Estoy intentando encontrar el texto de la ley completo, no lo he conseguido, parece que no está enlazado en ningún sitio. "However, the directive also contains provisions to avoid news aggregators abusing this." ¿Qué quiere decir esto? Lo que está claro es que no sabemos cómo se va a implementar, sobre todo hasta no ver la ley española, pero estoy convencido de que encontraremos el camino.
