Noticias de ciencia y lo que la rodea
270 meneos
2161 clics

El primer superconductor a temperatura y presión ambiente

Por primera vez en el mundo, hemos tenido éxito al sintetizar un superconductor a temperatura ambiente, trabajando a presión ambiente (...) La superconductividad del LK-99 está probada con la temperatura crítica, resistividad cero, corriente crítica, campo magnético crítico y el efecto Meissner.

| etiquetas: superconductor , presión , temperatura , ambiente
129 141 0 K 309
129 141 0 K 309
[2024-05-26 02:48:48] select t1.comment_id as parent, t1.w1 as w1, t2.comment_id as child, t2.comment_karma + 200 * (t2.comment_user_id = 15453) as w2 FROM comments as t0 INNER JOIN (select comment_id, comment_karma + 200 * (comment_user_id = 15453) as w1 from comments WHERE comment_link_id = 3838700 order by w1 desc LIMIT 0, 100) t1 ON t1.comment_id = t0.comment_id LEFT JOIN (conversations as c, comments as t2) ON conversation_type='comment' and conversation_to = t0.comment_id and c.conversation_from = t2.comment_id order by w1 desc, w2 desc LIMIT 200: string(43) "Table 'meneame.conversations' doesn't exist"

/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#212 (dd)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#237 (RGDB->print_error)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#350 (RGDB->query)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/story-comments.php#309 (RGDB->get_results)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/story.php#394 (require)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/submnm.php#47 (require_once)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/dispatcher.php#138 (include)