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Un microscopio cuántico atómico permite hacer visible el movimiento de electrones en moléculas individuales (ING)

Un microscopio cuántico atómico permite hacer visible el movimiento de electrones en moléculas individuales (ING)  

Para comprender mejor (y posiblemente controlar) las reacciones químicas rápidas, es necesario estudiar el comportamiento de los electrones con la mayor precisión posible, tanto en el espacio como en el tiempo. Al combinar las técnicas establecidas de microscopía de túnel y espectroscopía láser, un equipo dirigido por Klaus Kern, Director del Instituto Max Planck para la Investigación del Estado Sólido en Stuttgart, ahora ha superado estos obstáculos. En español: bit.ly/3ufH4mw

| etiquetas: microscopio , cuántico , atómico , movimiento , electrón , molécula
[2024-06-18 05:37:47] SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE comment_id as id, comment_type as type, comment_user_id as author, user_login as username, user_email as email, user_karma as user_karma, user_level as user_level, comment_randkey as randkey, comment_link_id as link, comment_order as `order`, comment_votes as votes, comment_karma as karma, comment_ip_int as ip_int, comment_ip as ip, user_avatar as avatar, comment_content as content, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) as date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_modified) as modified, favorite_link_id as favorite, vote_value as voted, media.size as media_size, media.mime as media_mime, media.extension as media_extension, media.access as media_access, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(media.date) as media_date, 1 as `read` FROM comments
    INNER JOIN users on (user_id = comment_user_id)
    LEFT JOIN favorites ON (@user_id > 0 and favorite_user_id =  @user_id and favorite_type = 'comment' and favorite_link_id = comment_id)
    LEFT JOIN votes ON (comment_date > @enabled_votes and @user_id > 0 and vote_type='comments' and vote_link_id = comment_id and vote_user_id = @user_id)
    LEFT JOIN media ON (media.type='comment' and media.id = comment_id and media.version = 0) WHERE comment_id in (34874656,34873749,34873969,34873755,34874046,34875276,34875190,34875152,34875324,34875377,34873981,34875386,34875396,34874577,34875439,34873995,34875945,34877856,34878180,34875586,34875534,34877358,34875134,34875495,34875421,34873878,34875422,34875174): string(35) "Table 'meneame.users' doesn't exist"

/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#212 (dd)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#237 (RGDB->print_error)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#350 (RGDB->query)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/comment.php#139 (RGDB->get_results)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/story-comments.php#341 (Comment::print_tree)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/story.php#394 (require)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/dispatcher.php#138 (include)