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El plutonio , un metal tan radiactivo que está caliente al tacto

El plutonio , un metal tan radiactivo que está caliente al tacto  

En el vídeo de hoy hablo sobre el plutonio, un elemento conocido por su uso en la fabricación de bombas atómicas… Pero que tiene muchas otras propiedades interesantes.

| etiquetas: plutonio , radiación
143 117 5 K 351 ciencia
143 117 5 K 351 ciencia
[2024-05-06 02:42:44] select t1.comment_id as parent, t1.w1 as w1, t2.comment_id as child, t2.comment_karma + 200 * (t2.comment_user_id = 234577) as w2 FROM comments as t0 INNER JOIN (select comment_id, comment_karma + 200 * (comment_user_id = 234577) as w1 from comments WHERE comment_link_id = 3381868 order by w1 desc LIMIT 0, 100) t1 ON t1.comment_id = t0.comment_id LEFT JOIN (conversations as c, comments as t2) ON conversation_type='comment' and conversation_to = t0.comment_id and c.conversation_from = t2.comment_id order by w1 desc, w2 desc LIMIT 200: string(43) "Table 'meneame.conversations' doesn't exist"

/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#212 (dd)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#237 (RGDB->print_error)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/libs/rgdb.php#350 (RGDB->query)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/story-comments.php#309 (RGDB->get_results)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/story.php#394 (require)
/var/www/meneame-peta/releases/latest/www/dispatcher.php#138 (include)